The Masquerade

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Seungmin was leaning on the door, banging his head on it out of boredom.

-So what's the plan, boss?

-All of you strip! Chan said, receiving confused looks.

-Definitely Jeongin's boyfriend, Seungmin scoffed.

-I'm serious. We are not leaving this room until I figure out who is responsible for this whole mess. Lia attacked the traitor earlier, so one of us has scars on his back.

-Then you do it first, Seungmin said skeptically.

-Fine, Chan took off his jacket and tossed it to the ground.

He unbuttoned his shirt and revealed his bare back with a huge scar going from his shoulder to the mini scar made by Seungmin's bullet.

-Is that... Felix started.

-From Seonghwa, Chan confirmed. You all remember it. And the one from Seungmin. I have nothing to hide. Who's next?

-Fine, Seungmin got up groaning like an old man and took off his shirt for a few seconds to show them he was not guilty or worth suspecting.

-I may need some help, Changbin sighed. This shirt is tight.

-I can-

-I meant Seungmin, Changbin cut off Felix.

The younger made eye contact with his ex and understood the issue immediately.

-Come here, he said helping him reveal his back, but keeping the arms covered.

-Minho? Chan asked more serious than ever.

Minho complied as well.

When it came Felix's turn, he hesitated for a second.

He was embarrassed to show his new bruises from the bathroom, but also the skinny body and the faded marks left from the whip he used to be punished with at the circus.

Only Hyunjin knew about them and it crushed his heart to see his boyfriend displaying them for everyone.

-Jisung, Chan said his name harshly. We all did it.

-You have no idea what you're asking me to do, he said with a soar voice.

-I am aware of it.

-No, you're not. You can't know everything, Bang Chan!

-If Jisung says he doesn't want to, he won't, Minho came to defend him.

-Then he is a suspect, Chan looked him straight into the eyes.

-Ji, you have to tell them, Hyunjin said.

-Tell us what? Minho asked. What does he know and we don't? And I don't.

Jisung's gaze moved to Seungmin, but the latter was in agreement with Hyunjin.

Jisung took off his dress and let his team stare at the burns on his body.

His eyes were glued to the floor, not daring to look up.

Minho grabbed his jaw and made him look at him.

-Who did this to you? I'm going to kill them! he clenched his jaw.

-I did, he admitted, a tear escaping his left eye. I deserve it. I am no good. This is my punishment.

-You don't deserve this! You hear me? Minho shouted in his face.

-Minho, that's enough, Chan chimed in. Jisung, this is not OK. But...I need to see your back.

-Are you seriously not believing him? Minho was preparing to kill.

8 sips of Poison | Stray Kids Mafia AU (part 2 of 8 sips of Wine)Where stories live. Discover now