Someone In The Shadows? (Chap 26)

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The three finally got home, and Luca and Lucia were worried about the three getting back home very late at night. They were spending some a bit of time on the manor since Hunter and Vee found out that it was Pidge who gave them the bags. They also get to come to the manor anytime and install their password so they can get past the security.

Lucia then gave Luz an apology gift from their earliest fight because she still wanted her pancakes, I mean, who doesn't like homemade pancakes? 🔫

Luca announced that his communication pad was fixed and that he also installed a tracker on his bot, so when a portal opened, the bot would set an alarm on Luca's phone and warn him where its located. Everyone in the room went outside somewhere far from Luz's apartment to test out Luca's new installation on his bot.

Little did they know that someone was watching them trying their things from far away to stay hidden.

The five of them cheered at Luca's working perfectly test out on his bot and settled themselves and went back to Luz's apartment, and slept through this peaceful night the world gave them.

Lucia planned on teaching Luz how to steady her web swinging since she's still not used to flying on the higher open wind in the city and other stuff she needs to know. Luca didn't wanna go with them since his gonna patrol with his new tracker. While Vee and Hunter waited for the countdown of the lockdown to get some groceries they needed to survive in this apartment full of wild eating beasts.

Amity was discussing with her siblings and telling that Kanda wasn't the one who injured Jerbo in the first place, Edric didn't buy it for a moment but gaved in, not like he was there the whole time watching them. Emira was thinking about it and decided that maybe Kanda wasn't the one who did it.

The others were enjoying their time at their homes, Vee and Hunter often visit Kanda's household to ask about what's inside in the bags Pidge gaved them and helped them master it everytime Pidge gets out of her so called lab.

Everyone was doing their things while not knowing someone was watching them in the shadows.

"Just you wait."

Kanda could feel herself being watched by something or someone from far away and decides to head down to her basement and searched for something.

All the rampaging at the basement made loud noises, which Pidge couldn't hold it any longer and went downstairs to the basement and saw Kanda making a mess inside the basement with some piled up boxes that were open. Pidge covered her ears from the loud crashing noises where Kanda got covered with boxes.

Pidge could hear Kanda cursing random words and decided to help her get up. Before Pidge could get the boxes off her, Kanda's hands randomly went up on the air with a random screen pad on her grip.

"FINALLY FUND YOU." Kanda shouted out loud, causing Pidge to cover her sensitive ears again.

Pidge kicked Kanda's leg, which made Kanda sit up properly on the floor with a messy face on her. Kanda noticed someone standing in front of her and knew who it was. "Oh hey."

"Can you stop making loud noises." Pidge said bluntly. "Can't." Kanda said with a devilish smug placed on her face, Pidge sighed and kicked her again, hard this time.

Kanda hissed at the sudden pain and stood up to pinch Pidge's cheek lightly. "Now, now. Let's just chill out and get out of this room full of dust. I need to go take a shower." And with that, Pidge sighed loudly and side eyed the place where Kanda was rampaging and raised a brow but ignored it afterwards.

Kanda raced to her bedroom and placed the screen pad she found and sat on her chair, her focused being full on the screen she had on her table.

"You know what, I'm going to get a shower before I deal with you." Kanda scoffed and went to get her clothes and went inside to get showered.

A couple of knocks were heard on the outside of Kanda's room. "WHAT!?" Kanda yelled loudly from the other room, and someone cleared their throat. Kanda realised whose voice it was and hurried herself from finishing her shower.

Kanda finished showering and put on her clothes with a towel on her shoulders, Kanda ran up to her room's door and opened it to see Scarlett looking down at her, Kanda had an annoyed face while looking back at Scarlett.

"What?" Kanda said with a hint of annoyance on her voice, Scarlett stepped back behind the door. Showing the faces of three Nocedas with Pidge who had earbuds on her ears and probably playing on her phone. "What do you guys want?" Kanda scoffed and got out of her room to close the door.

Hunter was rubbing his neck and started to speak in a low voice. "So hey, have you been noticing like someone's watching our moves? It's kind of creeping us out since like we bumped into each other." Hunter tried explaining it quietly, and Kanda just stared at Hunter with an uncomfortable feeling.

"I don't think we're alone." Kanda said with a serious face.

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