Chaos In The Kitchen (Chap 17)

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"Did you give it to someone already?"


Are you sure they're fit for it??"




"...I'm enrolling both of us to Hexide tomorrow."

"Ye- WHAT?!?!"

"End of discussion, shoo shoo."



Luz woke up earlier than everyone else in the apartment and went downstairs to prepare breakfast. It's a habit for her now.

Lucia went down later on and sat on the table's chair, then slammed her head on the table. Luz flinched a bit and sighed. "Why am I even still alive."

"I want pancakes." Lucia muttered on the table and covered her head with her arms around her. "Then help me place the plates if you want a lot of them."

Lucia groaned and stood up to grab 5 plates and place it on the table. "I want with butters and honey too."

Luz sighed loudly. "Alright, alright. But you have to wash the dishes after." Lucia smiled and messed Luz's hair.

"I JUST FIXED THAT. WHY DID YOU JUST RUIN IT FOR THE LOVE OF TITAN!?" Luz screeched out loud and smacked her spatula on Lucia's head. Lucia hissed and glared at Luz. "Not cool, shorty."

Luz stopped for a moment, then jumped onto Lucia and started rumbling around the kitchen.

Luca came downstairs because of the noises they're making in the kitchen. "HEYO WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!!" Luca yelled and came running towards the two and tried stopping them from rumbling the kitchen.

Vee and Hunter came down later on and saw you know what was happening.

Luca noticed the two and asked for a hand on holding Lucia while he snatched Luz away from her.

After that

The three were panting and exhausted on keeping the two away from each other on rampaging the kitchen. Luca sighed and stood up to finish getting the pancakes ready for the five of them.

Vee and Hunter were laying their heads on top of the table while the two were sitting across from each other with messy faces.

Luz and Lucia were glaring at each other as if it were a staring contest. Luca glanced at them and turned off the heat, and got the pancakes on one plate.

"Breakfast is served dipshits." Luca blurted and handed everyone's pancakes while Lucia received a burnt one.

Lucia gasped and was in disbelief at how she got a burnt one while everyone had perfect pancakes.

"Deserve." Luz said with a smug on her face.

"Just shut up and eat, both of you." Hunter scolded and devoured the last of his pancakes. Vee also did so. Luca glanced Lucia with a straight face and gave in to give her another pancake.

"THANK YOU." Lucia cried and swallowed it in one piece. Only leading her to choke and cough.

Luz was holding in her laughter, and Vee gave Lucia water after that.

"Wait, what time is it?"

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