Abandoned Alley (Chap 19)

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Hunter's POV

I groaned in defeat because I already knew Luz would be 2nd, and Vee would get the 1st place. They're both cheating while I just keep running and running. But hey, real winners never cheat, right?

I can see Luz ahead skateboarding through the red light and past the cars who almost hit her. I could feel something following me from behind, but I decided to ignore it. It's probably its just something else.

The sun rises beautifully, and the wind makes it more significant and great. That's when I saw a shortcut to Hexide, I think? It's  kind of an abandoned alley, but who cares? It's not like there's something waiting for me to get devoured by it.

"It's worth a risk, right?" I turned left and crossed the highway. The cars were honking loudly, probably mad because I made them stop.

Once I got to the other side, I turned around and bowed down as an apology and started running to the abandoned alley. I swear I could feel a car following since then, so I turned right and found a dumpster to hide behind. Trying to peek a little bit so I can see something.

A blackest car slowly approached where I turned and stopped there. I hid back again before I was caught hiding.

I could feel sweats running down my face. Gulping the fear and crawling back to see if the car was still there.

There was nothing there but just the alley. I sighed in relief and stood up. I silently tried sneaking back to the alley and started running out.

The Hexside's gate came onto view, so I sprinted towards outside the alley and made it out. I panted heavily as I began to catch my breath from running out and glanced at the right side to see Amity's car coming to view

'Luz might be the 3rd, huh?' I thought to myself and stood up properly from bending when the car arrived. The right door opened and revealed an annoying presence. "Sup, Hunty grumpy." Vee waved at me while I was pissed off by the nickname they gave me.

Amity finally came out of her car after parking it and locking the doors. Amity looked around, trying to find Luz. Vee noticed her looking around and elbowed her and wiggling their eyebrows. "Heeyyy, tryna find soomeoneeee?"

The two were blabbering mess while I was waiting for Luz to arrive, kinda making me worry about arriving longer than she always does. "Hey Vee, Amity." The two finally got my attention and stopped blabbering about whatever. "Why is Luz taking so long to get her?"

Vee shrugged and brought their phone out. "I'll try calling he-" Vee was cut off by the bell ranging loudly, telling us that it's time for classes. The three of us gave each other a worried face. "Let's talk about it later and attend our classes before we get detention."

We nodded in agreement and went inside to get to our classes.

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