Slamming The Door (Chap 16)

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If you're wondering where that Spider-Amity went to, she went somewhere else to find someone or something. Don't ask me why...


"Oh shit." Lucia blurted out loud, and Luz slapped her mouth hard, for cursing loudly. Lucia smacked Luz's hand and rubbed her mouth. "My tooth hurts. What the hell." Lucia felt something in her mouth and spit on the grass and saw one. bloody. tooth.

Everyone looked at the tooth and looked back at Luz, who's smiling nervously. "Oops-"

Luz dashed away, and Lucia chased her all the way wherever she's going, only resulting them crashing on the grass. Luca face-palmed himself and sighed heavily at how annoying these two are at this kind of time.

Vee and Hunter stood up and started walking back to the apartment. Leaving Luca to deal with the two angry spiders.

Luca went to them and bonk their heads hard. "LET'S GO HOME, ALREADY." Luca yelled and dragged the two who just got knocked out.


Vee and Hunter were already at home watching TV while the trio hadn't arrived yet. "I wonder when they will get home."

Hunter shrugged and yawned. Vee tilted their head in confusion. "What? I'm just tired because of this boredom." Vee chuckled and punched Hunter's shoulder lightly.

Hunter didn't even flinch and just changed the TV channel to daily news. Only showing last night's little evidence. Tire tracks, permanent markers, etc...

Suddenly, there was knocking on the door. Vee stood up, and Hunter watched them approach in front of the door. Before Vee could get close, the door was slammed open.

Revealing a brown-haired girl with black clothes. "Wassup."

The two gasped, and Vee backed away from it. Hunter hid Vee behind him. "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" Hunter yelled, and she raised her hands on the air. "Don't worry, I won't do anything. I'm just here to drop off something."

The two relaxed a bit and stood properly. "That's what I like." The girl chuckled and threw 2 duffel bags in front of Hunter.

"What is this supposed to be?" Vee questioned, Hunter kneeled down and opened one of it. Showing black clothes, pants, random items, and a note. "What is all these for?" Hunter looked up and saw no one at the door.

"WHAT, WHERE DID THEY GO?!?" Hunter shouted and looked around to find her, but only Vee was there with him. "VEE, DID U SEE WHERE SHE RAN OFF TO??" Hunter asked loudly, and Vee slapped him across his face.

Hunter looked back at them with a shocked face. "DIDN'T YOU HEAR HER? SHE SAID SHE'LL BE GOING AHEAD."

"Oh." Hunter whispered, but Vee raised their eyebrows. "By the way, can we take see the note now?? I'm curious." Vee layed on top of Hunter's head to see the note.

Hunter blew raspberries and took the note from the bag and gaved it to Vee. Who opened it immediately after they received it.



Actually, no. Just keep it as a secret. Be lucky that I choose you both for these things. Use it for something useful or for good because I'm watching you. And I mean all of you. Not as a weirdo, lol.

- S


The two looked at each other and back to the note. "That's creepy...." Vee commented, Hunter nodded in agreement and grumbled the note. "Why would we use these when we don't know what it's for." Hunter has his hand under his chin.

Vee shrugged and dragged one bag to their room. Hunter thought about it but dragged his bag to his room, and both of them hid it.

The two went back to the couch and watched the news. Seeing another crime scene, blah blah blah.

The two were too focused on the TV, and the door slammed open again. Both flinched, and Vee screamed at the top of their lungs.

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