Skateboard (Chap 23)

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The two giggled nervously and buried themselves on the mattress with a sheet covering them.

Hunter raised his left eyebrow, and the taller girl finally stood up and slapped Boscha's phone before she could record them. Boscha glared at the taller girl and reached for her phone that was on the floor.

The taller girl cleared her throat to get everyones attention.


Luz was skating past through the cars while the traffic light was red and almost got hit by a black car. The car honked loudly, and Luz stopped her skateboard and bowed to apologise.

Luz saw Hunter from afar and decided to head back to skating her skateboard to Hexide. The Noceda could feel something following her and tried fasting her speed to lose it.

But a black car then appeared right next to her and rolled the passenger side. Revealing a girl who's looking at her. Luz looked back at the girl, and she could feel her sweat rolling down her neck.

The girl waved her hand with closed eyes and a smile on her face. Luz waved back, and the girl signalled her to the front.

Luz looked forward to her way and saw a traffic light pole, and crashed on it straight on the head. The car stopped and parked near Luz's soon to be unconscious body on the ground.

Two figures came out of the car, a taller girl with long hair from earlier who was waving and a new girl who's almost as tall as the other one with shorter hair. The shorter haired one bends down in front of Luz, who's feeling dizzy and starts to black out.

The two looked at each other, and the taller one nodded her head. The short haired one then proceeds to carry Luz on her back and places her on the back seat of the car with Luz's skateboard.

The car started its engine and started heading to a cafe that was ahead of them. The taller one got out to buy their breakfast and got back with their take outs. The car then drove to their to Hexside but saw a student passing through the highway while the other cars almost hit him.

The boy bowed in front of them and started to head to an abandoned alley. The shorter haired girl turned left and followed the boy through the alley to find out what that boy was doing on an abandoned alley after almost getting hit by cars.

The car slowly drove in the alley and found nothing but just a random dumpster and a piled of boxes. The shorter haired girl looked around the alley and scoffed. "Boring." The girl said with a plain face and started the car to get out of the abandoned alley and head straight to Hexside ahead of them.

The car finally got out and parked near the Hexside's gate and parked the car. The two got out of the car, and the short haired one opened the back seat's door but was greeted with a skateboard, hitting her right upper jaw.

The girl hissed at the sudden pain and fall flat on the ground. The taller girl gasped with her hand covered on her mouth. Luz got out of the car with her skateboard on hand and sprinted inside the gate to Hexside.

"Hey, what the hell was that for!?" The shorter hair girl yelled and got back on her feet and chased Luz to Hexside's entrance. The taller girl shook her head and closed the back seat door, locking the car before heading inside to Hexside.

Luz was about to approach the school entrance until a hand grabbed her shoulder and crashed herself with the other one who was grabbing her shoulder to the school's entrance floor.

The two groaned at the fall, and the short haired girl stood up immediately but felt short pain on her back that made her bent on her knees.

Luz looked at her, and the girl was panting heavily with a smirk on her face. "You got some stamina, huh." Luz tilted her head at the thought stamina. "Huuhhh??"

The crowd started to gather around them and chanted a random word. The two couldn't focus on the chant. Luz stood up with her skateboard, and the other finally stood up properly, who slowly made her way to Luz while trying to balance her body and her head looking down on the floor.

Luz felt scared and thought the girl might attack her any second she got closer. Before Luz knew it, she had already hit her on the left ribs with her skateboard. Luz gasped at her sudden reaction and couldn't feel her legs. The girl was already knocked out on the cold floor.

"Luz!" Hunter's voice got Luz's attention, and Luz fund Hunter on the crowd. "Hunter!!" Luz shouted back when she saw him trying to pass through out of the crowd to her.

The taller girl arrived at the entrance and saw what's happening and tried passing through the crowd to get to the middle of the crowd. The girl finally got past them and ran to the knocked out girl and carried her on the back of her.

The girl signalled the boy, and he ran to Luz to carry his sister with the taller girl who's had the knockout student on her back.

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