That vehicle (Chap 12)

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"Oh god..." Amity groaned at how messy her table was, seeing a lot of crumbled papers, pencils, pen, paints everywhere on the table.

Amity looked around for a trashbag and put every trash in it. "Ahh, Titan. I feel like an old hag already." Amity hissed and dragged the trashbag outside the mansion they're living in. Putting it inside to the near dumpster she could see and noticed the moon was shining bright. "Looks like its full moon tonight."

As Amity was about to go back inside, a weird car was speeding up on the street with police cars behind it. This made Amity immediately grab her phone and opened her camera.

Aiming it on the weird car and clicking the record button, the flash were on, and revealed the weird car was full void colour and the driver window was open, Amity couldn't see who was driving properly on how fast the car was accelerating.

The car was too fast for the police cars to chase, and it got away with no trace left where it was going. The sound of the car was too quiet, only the sirin was heard on the street.

The police cars stopped on their track, later turned off the sirin, and started heading back where they came from, Amity went back inside to their living room and played the video she recorded and turning up the volume and watch it curiously.

While watching it closely, two shadows towered her and hugged her from the back. Amity already knew who they were and already felt annoyed at their action all of a sudden. "What do you guys want." Amity scoffed.

"Aw c'mon sis, we just wanna know what'cha watching there." Emira answered. "Yeah, we don't have anything else to do anyway!" Edric cried out of boredom and pulled Amity closer to him.

Amity pushed Edric away, annoyed at her older brother. "It's just a video I took before I got back inside here." Amity replied and showed them the video she took. Showing what happened a little bit before. You already know what happened, so yeah.

"WOAH!! THAT CAR LOOKS SO SICK!" Edric shouted in amazement, and Emira looked shocked with ( •o• ) face. "Wait, I've seen that vehicle from before!!" Emira blurted and grabbed Amity's phone away from her. "HEY-!!" Amity barked, and Emira pushed Amity's face away from her so she couldn't get her phone back.

"Just hold on for a sec, sis! I know I've seen this weird car from somewhere before." Emira pleaded, and Amity stopped, sitting down on couch, sulking. Edric chuckled at Amity and moved closer to Emira. "Hey Ed, do you remember that time when we were having a picnic with the others?" Emira questioned. (Y'know, Viney and the others)

Emira showed Edric the vehicle, making Edric gasp and pause for a moment. "Wait, do I even remember that car from that day?" Edric questioned himself and out his finger under his lips. Emira face-palmed herself, and so Amity.

Edric finally remembered something and asked if it was the one who.......



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