From Another Universe (Chap 7)

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"I can't find it!" Hunter said while scattering something in his boxes.

Vee popped her head from the hallway and asked. "What're you looking for?"

Hunter turned his head to look at Vee with a puppy face and a small tear on his left eye. "My happiness."

".....Yeah nope, I'm going to go hang out with my friend." Vee slammed the door hard, only for Hunter to squeak and jump.



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No one's Pov

"What in the devil is that?" Masha asked putting they're left hand on top of they're eyebrows because of the sunlight while the other one is pointing at the sky.

Vee turned around and looked up at the skies and saw a falling small figure and the other is....5 times bigger than the other one. "Who in the world a- WATCH OUT MASHA!!"

Vee yelled and before Masha could reply Vee already tackled Masha to dodge the figures that were falling towards them from the skies.

"Ughh....Are you alright?" Vee groaned in pain and rubbed her head with her eyes closed.

"Yeah, I'm alright..What about you?" Masha asked and opened they're eyes, only for her to see Vee on top of them with her arm and hands behind Masha's head.

Finally, Vee opened her eyes and saw she was on top of Masha and quickly got up, holding her hand out for Masha to stand up.

"Uh-Uhm, I-I'm fi-fine!" Vee blushed like a strawberry since she was on top of her ~crush~

Masha finally grabbed Vee's hand and stand up from the grass "But what is that?" Masha asked while pointing they're free fingers to where the figures crashed with ground's smokes surrounding it.

"I don't know, but we have to be careful from it, it might attack in any second if it's still alive or something." Masha nodded and slowly let go of Vee's hand to get on they're fighting position.

But soon, the small figure got on it's feet and groaned from the fall pain. "Why were we even falling on the air." a female voice said, but it sounds familiar for Vee.

"You asked so many questions while it was going to close!! now look at what happened! it somehow got corrupted and now we crashed from the skies and now the portal activiter is broken you ding dong!!!!" A echoed voice from inside the robot yelled at the small figure, while trying to stand up and getting on it's balance.

"But you didn't said we were gonna fall from the skies!!" The female voice argued. "Not my fault that there was no more time left for the portal to close, mullet."

'Portal?' Vee questioned her own self from her thoughts but snapped back to reality when Masha grabbed her hoodie's back colar.

A stick cracked while both run to a tree nearby to hide, the figures moved a bit and looked around, soon the smokes started to fade away.

Only for it to reveal a big purple, black, white, yellow coloured robot with the small figure that look like Spiderlight's but in different shapes and colours.

"Did you hear that? I think someone or more is around here." The small one said in alert while the robot's head started to disappear like ashes, but soon revealed a male only saying the head with a beanie on.

"Let me try and scan the area, I swear I saw movements over there when we crashed after." The male one said while pointing at Vee and Masha's hiding spot.

"Oh no, what are we gonna do!?" Masha ask yelled at the same time with fear. "I don't think their....bad? they seem to be new here..maybe their the same as L- Spiderlight! you know, the new hero of the big."

Masha nodded but glared hard at the robot's eyes that were glowing to they're direction. "Uh oh."

Soon the robot's glowing eyes started to fade away and the male's face turned to a confused look. "I see couples hiding behin-"

The male was cut off by the two. "WE'RE NOT DATING!!" The two yelled in unison

The robot and the female looked at each other and glanced back at the two. "See, I knew there were people there." The male said while standing up from his seat and shrug, jumping off from his robot and land on his feet.

"This is gonna be a long day to find them now." The male said while going to the robot's back and does something they don't know.

The female whined in fall flat on the grass with a thud but continuous to whine.


"So let me get this straight." Masha glanced at the male and the female one across the campfire.

"You guys are from a another universe?" Both nodded. "And you guys are here for....someone or a group of people?" Nod. "But can you two help us find this person who has strange powers?" The female asked.

The both looked at each other and nodded before glancing back at the new people they just meet. "Yeah, we kinda have someone here with spider powers, but her appearance are different than yours."

The strangers nodded their head. "Oh jeez! my name is Amity by the way, and this is Luca." The male as now known as Luca waved and the two waved back.

"We kinda have a celebrity here named Amity too, but my name is Vee and this is my friend Masha." I introduced while pointing my finger at me then to Masha.

"Uh-huh, the 'friend' word doesn't sound real." Amity said with suspension and lowered her voice but the three can hear her and Luca nodded his head in agreement.

"What do you mean?" Masha asked in confusion. "Oh nothing" Luca said with pride and Amity tried covering her mouth from laughing but let out giggles.


"Man I swear I saw something fall from the skies around 11 AM." Gus said while doing some re search on something about the fall. "Maybe we should call Luz and let her check the forest."

"Yeah, let's call her." Gus said while reaching into his pocket and grabbed his phone, calling Luz.

"Hello?" Luz voice asked on the phone call.

"Hey Luz, have you seen something from the skies hours ago?" Willow asked.

It took Luz 2 minutes to remember something since she was busy helping people. "Yeah, why?"


Luca was fixing the portal activiter in his robot's back while Amity is up on the tree's last branches, looking at the beautiful moon.

Soon the two feel something moving going towards their direction but it's.....someone's phone playing a song?

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