Luca's small past (Chap 11)

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"LUCA, WATCH OU-!!" Before Amber could finish, she already had bump to Luca and fall on the grass.

Luca groaned in pain since he fall on grass while Amber was on top of him. "Ughh.... Fuc-!?" Amber immediately gasped. "HEY, HEY, HEY!! NO CURSING!" Amber covered Luca's mouth with her hands.

"MMHPMMH!?" Luca murmured on Amber's hands, while Amber was making a 'Stop that!" face. "Stop it, it tickles!"

Luca raised a brow and smirked. " look like an idiot with that face.." Amber whispered but Luca can still hear her.

Luca slowly lift his arms and grabbed Amber's hands that was covering his mouth. "Your idiot?" Luca teased her, which made Amber turn dark red and Luca hugged her and fall back on grass with her. "Seriously, why are you two so cute." Victoria said and Caleb agreed with her and both of them had a smirk on their faces.



"Why'd you keep saying that-"

"Shut your mouth, I still hate you for damaging my robot's communication pad."

"Can we stop with this."

"Then shut up, so I can fix it faster."

"Jeez, your no fun."


"Amity, leave her alone."

"But I'm booorrrreedah, I need something to do!"

"Oh I can tell you what to do, go die."

"Death isn't fun."

"She's just single."

"Am I? because I'm not, your the single one here because your too shy to confess you're feelings to her."

"How the hel-"


"This kid is more mysterious than you all."




"OH, REA-... wait, for real?"

"Eda...we talked about this."

"Hah! Now who's got the best memories!?"

"Shut up, decoy."



"I got my head out the sunroof, I'm blasting our favourite tun-AAAAAHHHHHHHHGGGG!?!!??" Lucia screamed and got dragged by her ear by someone or something's hand from the portal behind her and got sucked with it through somewhere.


"Okay I got her." Luca said while going out the portal and dragged someone by their ear. "HEY! THAT HURTS!! WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?!" Lucia yelled but Luca's bot still didn't let go while Lucia is trying to remove his hands away from her ear.

"That's her?" Vee asked and Luca nodded. "LET GO OF MY EAR, DUDE!!" And with that Luca let go of her ear and Lucia winced in pain for abit. "How in the world is this thing."

"I'm 16 years old, I'm pretty sure your like 18, but I'm still the genius here, no one can defeat my IQ." Luca said proudly and got up to his robot with 'o_o' face on the outside screen.

"We still need to get the others before 'they' arrived or the whole multi verse will corrupt." Luca's voice echoed. "Bro, why am I even here."

"To help us, that's pretty obvious."

"Yeah nope, I'm outta here." Lucia said while walking back towards the portal.

The robot grabbed Lucia's leg and dragged her with him. "Yes, you are coming." Luca smirked.

"Tch- such for advantage."

"Oh really?" The robot jump off the building with the others but left Vee and Masha alone, cause they were at the top of their apartment.

"We should head back to our dorms."

"I agree it's even cold out here."

"Yep, deal with it."

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