White-Hair (Chap 13)

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"Wait, isn't that car from the girl with short white-hair...? Her name was probably like Kendra??" Edric asked if it was, and Emira nodded at him. Leaving Amity confused on what those two are talking about. (Picture on top hahaha)

"Can I just get my phone back?" Amity groaned, and Emira gaved her phone back. "You know you're lucky, sis. Welp, thank Titan she didn't seem to notice you recording her with her car." Emira sighed in relief while Edric hugged Amity closer to him.

Amity just sat there and waited for Edric to back off. "Anyway, sis. Just don't get any closer to that car. She might do something to you like what she did to..." Emira paused from the memory. "Jerbo." Edric continued Emira's sentence.

Amity just looked at them with 'wtf are you talking about' face. "You know what, I'm going to my room." Amity just went upstairs and shut her door. "Just promise us, okay!?" Emira shouted with her two hands cupped on her mouth.

"Whatever!!" Amity shouted back. While the twins just felt sweats running on their face with terror.

____________________________________________ (On the other side)

"Hey Lucia, what are these strange bracelet tech you got?" Luz asked randomly, and Luca walked towards her to take a look at what she's referring to.

Luca was examining it closely but didn't have a clue. "This is a really strange thing you have, Lucia."

Lucia looked back at what they're talking about and laughed at them. "You guys got to be kidding me!! That's a webshooter. You guys probably have a similar one as that." Lucia wipes her tear, but the two didn't understand her one bit.

Lucia's face turned to a straight face at them and grabbed her webshooter. "C'mon, you guys probably have something to swing, right?"



Lucia just looked at the two with a wide face. "WHAT!? THEN HOW IN THE NAME OF TITAN DO YOU EVEN SWING??" Lucia shouted with her hand on top of her head.

"It comes out of my wrists...?" The two answered in unison with a confused face.

Lucia just looked at them and both of her hand in front of her mouth. "I need proof."

Luz and Luca just shoot webs on the ceiling without hesitation. "Holy crumstick." Lucia couldn't bear seeing them being different to her. "You know what, ima go to sleep on the couch. Goodnight." Lucia plopped on the couch, and the two got back to their room to sleep.

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