them at a party ✦

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inspo once again duhcadytoo x

belly: would talk to a lot of people, would drink once then just watch everyone else drink, she would watch over Taylor since shed get more drunk, she would also know few people but it would be really well. 

conrad: dd but they would have two in case he got drunk, it would depend on the day, would be hella overprotective, he would pay attention to everything, and would watch over people and their drinks. 

jeremiah: he would know and talk to everyone, he would drink but not be drunk, and he would visit like 8 different friend groups. He would also be best friends with the DJ and would sneakily add his favorite songs to the playlist. 

steven: he would act like hella friendly so people would talk to him and hang out with him though he would only know like five people. He would be overprotective but of belly and Taylor, and he would warn Conrad and Jeremiah to watch out for drunk idiots. 

taylor: she would know everyone and sort of wander mindlessly through the crowds, looking for something to do. She would drink but not get drunk, and she wouldn't be particularly overprotective but she would fight people if they tried flirting with her drunk friends etc

cam: dd for sure, there is no way he likes alcohol, he's so pure. He would try to tell people not to drink and do things but he's more sweet than persuasive and aggressive, so he wouldn't always do the best job. He would care for everyone and be the moon of the friend group. 

shayla: she definitely doesent seem like someone who would go to parties but if she did she would have a bag with fruit snacks, food, non alcoholic drinks, period supplies, extra makeup and everything else. She would be the best at persuading people to not do dumb things but she would also be the person to have a fake id to buy drinks. 

A/n: this was fun but im like my writing is not Englishing, so sorry these are trash life is hard run im trying my best. Request here.

Mwah, ily all!


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