how they express jealousy ✦

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a/n: sdt saali, bc ur book is everything n more, dt ejona, nora, and all my beautiful other readers, ily all so so much u guys have no idea. mwahh! 

belly: she would definitely become quieter and she wouldn't ignore you but she'd interact w u less, both orally and physically. she would definitely be the type to try to make you jealous, even if you didn't try to make her jealous in the first place. 

conrad: he would just glare at you and then the rest of the day he'd be on a worse mood than normal, not enough to make you realize it was your fault, but he would ignore u more than usually. he doesn't seem like the type to put in effort to make you jealous if you've made him jealous, but if he put his mind to it he'd be able to. 

jeremiah: he would definitely act normal but he would give u a light side eye before going back to normal. i think he wouldn't hold grudges or anything like he wouldn't ignore you but he'd be in a little less of a good mood around you in particular. he would so try to make you jealous again though. 

steven: he would definitely try to laugh about it/make fun of you to distract himself from it, but through the day he'd glance at you 'badly'. he wouldn't really want to make you jealous, since he thought it's really you, he shouldn't have to do anything for your attention.

taylor: she wouldn't change one bit, she'd probably ask about it and bring it to mind once, but she wouldn't show any clear signs of jealousy when talking to you about it. she would try to make you jealous if she really wanted to, but she wouldn't really wanna put in the effort if the result wouldn't be worth it. 

cam: he would definitely be a little uncomfortable looking but he is so the guy who would want whatever you want for you, as long as you're happy, so he wouldn't really mind it too much. he is definitely not the kind of person to get revenge on those things though. 

shayla: she wouldn't even show she was jealous at all, although i feel like she'd pay less attention to you, not noticeably for everyone else to notice but enough for you would wonder if you did something to upset her. she wouldn't admit she was jealous though. she might try to make you jealous but she wouldn't seem like the type to want to do that.

a/n: ik i said it's not on schedule but here we are, anyways have a nice rest of ur day pretty people! i love u all, mwahh!

x, rai 

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