the first thing you noticed about them ✦

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a/n: second chapter today since i don't think i'll have time to write a one shot chapter today. 

belly: the way her smile lit up the room and her positive energy and attitude. you also found that you liked how even when she was in a situation that wouldn't usually end up in the best result, she would do so in a kind and considerate ( empathetic ) way to not hurt anyone. 

conrad: his soft smile and the way he got jealous. since conrad is usually a more somber person, you would notice how he didn't greatly show his joy, but rather he just expressed a small gentle smile. you would also notice how he cared so much for people that he would get jealous over the smallest things. 

jeremiah: his eyes. we all know them. you would particularly see how they lit up when he was happy or excited about something. you'd also notice his smile, and how it always seemed to be contagious to you and everyone else in the room. 

steven: his childlike personality. even though steven's going off to college, he still isn't the most mature person and him and jeremiah love to prank people. you loved how he couldn't really playfully bully anyone since they all had something worse to remind him about. 

taylor: her style and her attitude, first of all, she knows how to dress and has a great sense of fashion, and you really adored the way she wouldn't really care what others thought of her, and she just did whatever she wanted. 

cam: his care for things, you would admire how much he cared about, everything really, friends, family, anyone, anything. you would also love how corny he was with everything he said. 

shayla: her sense of style, she has a really unique but good eye for fashion, and she impressed you the first time you saw her. 

a/n: this ones short too and it gradually got worse but hopefully u guys liked it.

x, rai

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