you ask for their help on an outfit ✦

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belly: she would definitely try to convince you to go ask taylor, but once you tell her you came to her and not taylor, she would recommend for you to wear  your favorite, the most comfortable and the most event-accurate outfit.

conrad: he would say "uh, what are the options." and once you showed him he would tell you the pros and cons of each piece of your outfit, then tell you which was his favorite, then ask which was your favorite, the most comfortable, and you guys would rule out all of them until you figured out your outfit. 

jeremiah: he would agree to help you but he'd say he wasn't the most fashion-inclined person. he hold definitely tell you which were more flattering and which he liked better, as well as which worked with your skin tone most, and you two would decide together which you'd be wearing.

steven: he would jokingly tell you how you would look dumb either way, then you'd give him a look and he'd sigh and agree, then he would tell you which ones looked better to him, and which would match the occasion better than the others. he would remind you to just do whatever you'd prefer to wear but to keep in mind his advice. 

taylor: she would definitely tell you which made you look hotter/generally better, as well as which weren't in style anymore. she would reccomend that you switch out either your tops/bottoms until she found something that she thought was the best, and if you didn't like it she would tweak it until it worked for the both of you. 

cam: he seems like the type to tell you to go with whatever was comfortable and whichever you preffered, and he would remind you that you'd look pretty no matter what outfit you chose to wear. 

shayla: she would bring out color theory and she would definitely not care about "trendy style" but rather which brought out your undertones, as well as which worked better with what jewelry, body type, makeup look etc.

a/n: loved this one! cam's was a little short but i hope it didn't bother you guys, anyways vote and comment if you enjoyed, i hope you have an incredible day, you're such an incredible kind talented and amazing person and i hope you know that!!

i love you so so much!

x, rai

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