they heard u say u like them✦

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requested by : maisy x ( sorry bae tags dont work )

enjoyyy! ( dt ejona, saali, jamie,mia, alex, nora and all my amazing beautiful friends/readers)

belly: she would definitely act different around you but not too noticeably, like shed talk to you more than usual, and shed act more happy/laugh more around you. she would also like touch u gently thought the day, like your knuckles would rub when you walked next to each other or shed brush past your arm.

conrad: he would smile a lot more (discreetly) around you, and he'd be more kind and less moody around everyone else. he would definitely be like more "what else do i get?" mode with you, although id imagine you'd laugh it off, hoping he didn't know you liked him. he would fs send you death glares from across the room when he'd be jealous and he would become more protective over you.

jeremiah: he would start acting more like you two were dating, and like he'd still teat you like his best friend but he would be more flirty around you and like it would seem to other people like you two are dating. he would also smile/smirk at you more than usual and he would also give u more physical attention, not sure if that makes sense.

steven: he would try so many cheesy pickup lines on you and he'd be really flirtatious but in an idiotic embarrassing for him way ( js for him, you'd find it hilarious.) he would also find a lot of opportunities to bring up embarrassing moments you've had in your life just to make you playfully hate him. he'd also start teasing you for your height a lot more.

taylor: she would probably be the only one to not change, if she liked you shed just play with her hair more around you and be a tad more flirtatious and she ( similarly to steven ) would become more playfully hateful towards you, like you two would bicker a lot more and shed shove you ( in a playful manner ).

cam: he would for sure become more nervous and shy around you, although it'd be clear he was trying hard to hide it. i feel like he would sit a little closer next time, and he'd try to be more daring/bold in terms of holding your hand, kissing you, talking to u etc.

shayla: she wouldn't really change that much, although i think something good abt her in particular is she would be straightforward about it ( which we adoreeee ) and shed immediately tell you if she liked you back, if she doesn't, if she thinks she does or if she needs more time etc. she would never lead you on and shed be really clear about what she wants and doesn't want.

a/n: loved this one! longer chapter today hope u enjoyed, tysm maisy for requesting, hope u have a nice rest of ur day! i love u all so so much, stay healthy, hydrated and nourished, have the best end of ur dayy! mwahh!


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