My mother put a hand over her heart as she exhaled out.

"Evelyn. You look lovely." She said.

I smiled slightly. "Thank you."

My father nodded in approval. "I am very proud of you, Evelyn. You really have matured into a fine woman."

I bit down on my tongue slightly. Hearing him say that made me want to vomit.

But as I glanced to my left. Kane still stood there. His eyes never left my sight, as I did my absolute best to pretend I didn't notice even though his eyes were about to send me over the edge.

"Are you ready, my love? There are so many people here to see you." My mother said with a warm smile.

I nodded.

I am not going to fight her today. I didn't have the energy.

My father and mother turned around, as their backs were now facing towards me. When all the sudden, Kane started to take a few steps towards me.

I glanced up at him as he stopped about a foot in front of me.

His facial features softened as his eyes met mine. They met mine, just like how they did a few moments ago.

Soft. Gentle. Loving. Passionate. Daring. Every adjective to describe them represented happiness.

"Ms. Hale." He said as he reached out his hand, signaling me to put mine into his.

My eyes didn't leave him, however.

It was like his eyes and mine were locked and only could be unlocked with a key. However, the key had been thrown in the ocean. So it could never be retrieved. We were stuck staring into one another's gazes forever.

I slowly put my hand into his, as I suddenly felt a jolt of electricity send through my veins as his hand touched my gloved hand.

Knowing the simple silk fabric is the only separating us from mine and his bare skin touching killed me. And it hurt bad.

He gripped my hand slightly as he reached it up to his lips.

His lips gently grazed over the fabric as I felt his lips press into my hand.

God bless.

His eyes locked onto mine as he kissed my hand. His eyebrows furrowed.

My small smile immediately dropped as my lips turned into a straight line.

He slowly brought his body back up as he turned to the side and held out his arm, signaling me to grab it.

My expression stayed the same on my face as I watched his eyes search me. Practically begging me to reach my arm between his and loop my body right around his.

I took a deep breath as I felt my breasts hit the very front of my neckline.

And after some hard thought, I decided to go ahead and wrap my arm around his.

The way his strong arms felt around mine was like I was holding a rock. My god. How much does this guy work out?

I mean, it's pretty obvious he is fit. I get one look at him, and all I want to do is pass out. But then come back alive for only one second just to see his muscles again and then fall back asleep.

He was goregous, and only a moron would disagree with me.

The doors opened as music began to flood my ears, as a man began to yell out, causing everyone at the ball to pause and look straight at us.

"May I present. Queen Isabella Hale, King Joshua Hale, and their daughter, Princess Evelyn Hale, occupied by Kane Young.

We began to walk slowly, taking one step in front of the other as Kane's head lowered slightly, his lips close to my ears, causing a numbness to cover my whole body and tingles begin to run down my spine.

"You're doing great. Keep it up."

I gulped as his words sent straight down my ears.

I gave him a small side eye, as I noticed he was doing the same thing too, but his expression was with a smirk. The smirk made me want to either slap it or kiss it.

I refocused my attention straight ahead as I sighed out. "Please don't look at me like that."

His hold on my arm tightened slightly. "I don't recall me looking at you in any way, angel."

I rolled my eyes at that damn nickname

"You did."

He cleared his throat, "And how did I look?"

"Like that." As we began to keep walking.

Soon, we hit the door as we slowly took our steps in.

The ball room, that once held me and my mother only about a week ago was now filled and packed with people.

Heads turned, and smiles began to gleam brightly as we began to walk down the aisle to the chairs.

The bright white chandler lit up the room as the paintings on the wall held high on the walls.

People began to bow and grin as I nodded at them in kindness.

Keep it up, Evelyn. Only a few more hours until it's Netflix time.

Netflix. Is. Life. And no one can tell me different.

We soon made it all the way down to the ending, as my mother and father sat down in their chairs.

My mother's posture and poise were exceptional, the way her shoulder stood up high, and the way her smile shined brightly as she looked at her father.

She was perfect. Her cheeks blushed to perfection. Her purple gown; not a sequin out of place. If only I could be like her, yet, still be me.

I reached the end of the carpet as I grabbed my dress as I took the 2 steps up.

Kane followed as we stopped again.

This time, I looked right at him, as he did at me.

And even if it was only for a few seconds, it was like I could see a shine in his eyes that looked at me deeply.

But as those few seconds left my mind, his face immediately dropped as it turned right back to being my bodyguard.

No more smiles. No more sexy comments. No more Kane Young.

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