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maricela: i dont know how serious this is or where the relationship is at im not the one to be getting involved but she is loved and protected i dont have to do a thing when she has them looking out for her but theres rules to it to

edgar: naw i fully understand all respect from my part she told me and i know you know

maya: the adoption part

giovani: i dont know anything about that shes my daughter

emiliano: and my neice i know who your father is and hes a good man so i expect good things from you

edgar: you know my dad? i havent seen him in years hes in lock down up north?

emiliano: we know

maya could see maricela in pain

maya: um i think we should start the drive out it takes like 30 mins?

maya hugged her

maya: go to the doctor everything can wait for another day

maricela looked at her and smiled

maricela: im going dont worry um edgar please take care of her protect her and do it all ok? you guys have my blessing and if things dont work out then they dont but dont play with her heart and maya dont you play with his ok?

giovani: it does go both ways same here come over later to that house though

edgar: um thank you and i promise you dont have to worry i just wanted to make sure you knew who she was with and talking to i work and do my own thing i just you know

emiliano: grew up around it and got dragged in dont worry us to stay straight though its for the best but you have my blessing to when you talk to your dad tell him thumper says hello

edgar: will do

emiliano gave him a handshake so did giovani and he hugged maya

giovani: i love you and your not adopted he is

emiliano: so are you fucker

giovani: bitch we both know your dad found you somewhere

emiliano: jealous mine stuck around? haha

maricela: yall can go it was nice meeting you mijo text me maya please

maya: i will i love you

edgar: it was nice meeting you maricela?

she nodded as she hugged him

maricela: yes maricela im from puente its a long story for another time go dont be late now

they nodded and left

giovani: lets go come on your about to

she fainted as she saw the car gone .. they took her to the emergency she woke up later confused

maricela: what the fuck?

she turned her head not seeing anyone in her room she started to panic .. she pushed the red button by her hand she felt her hands stuck

maricela: why am i tied up what the fuck is going on?

she pushed the button over and over

nurse: miss? are you ok?

maricela: tell me right now why am i tied down? where am i? fuck ah whats going on wheres my family my babies? whats whats going on? did i have a fucking breakdown!

the nurse untied her and grabbed her hand

nurse: breath please just breath before the doctors come back and have you detained again you had cysts that ruptured you bled out they stopped the bleeding but before they could sedate you started fighting and throwing hands so they had to your husband said it was ok

she laid back and nodded

maricela: can i see my family please and get some medication im in pain and can i see my doctor?

she nodded and walked out .. giovani walked in seconds later

maricela: you let them tie me down are you fucking kidding me!

giovani: you fucking socked a nurse in the chest they needed to stop your bleeding i cant lose you are you serious?

she sighed

maricela: i like how you said husband

emiliano walked in with flowers

emiliano: i told him to say husband if not theres no next of kin or real information on you remember your dead? so hes married to cristina and plus his name is john on papers

maricela glared at him

emiliano: they wouldve sedated you deeply thats how they killed my grandmother now shut it your not tied down anymore

maricela: huh fuck what happened?

giovani: that pain was over grown cysts babe um i guess they where around since javi was born and they moved and stuff but um i think the doctor should tell you the rest

maricela: why cant you? where the kids? maya vivi? i had things planned i have to

he grabbed her hand

giovani: babe its been like 24 hrs already ok it was a heavy surgery you been asleep so relax ok there fine they know i talked to vivi i already texted you where waking up

maricela: 24 hours?

the doctors walked in

emiliano: tu sabes que pagamos por los mas mejores

maricela: pay for the best but yet i was still tied down?

doctor: im sorry for that but you didnt deserve to be put into a coma it was taking to long to calm you down and we needed to get to the source .. so your out of the blue for now you will recover you have to be light on carrying things and stress also ill be giving you anxiety medication

maricela: i dont take pills because i like them if you get what i mean

doctor: i understand and i respect your strentgth but you not taking something to calm it all down will cause you more harm we need this recorvery for the next surgery

maricela: next surgery? what are you talking about?

doctor: your going to need remove your uterus

she sat back

maricela: are you serious why? is that whats causing everything?

giovani grabbed her hand and squeezed it

doctor: when we cut into you and you know stopped the bleeding and removed it all we could see the damage and bruising we asked your husband and he said he didnt want to speak on that because

giovani: its not my story to tell ..

maricela: because of the abuse it caused me all of this i gave birth twice my daughter was in a bathroom after my mother beat me she put me into labor i lost a baby then i had my son it was ruff mostly bed rest to but i started having really bad pains when he turned 8 months

doctor: im sorry but where you abused as a child to?

giovani: man do we have to do this? really?

she sighed

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