a battle

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she stepped back and shot the guy again in the head and left

giovani: your days are counted she could've died man? i felt bad for you but now i hope your brakes fail on the way home shit .. she was crying asking herself why is the happening to her why does she loose what she loves? and your fucking ass says that!? fuck you asshole

he left .. she was sitting in the car quiet

giovani: mari look

maricela: i wanna go home now please

he nodded and took her home ..they drove in silence

maricela: don't kill him ok

giovani: why not he disrespected you

maricela: just don't ..

he got her home she went straight to her room and locked herself away

javier: that fucking bastard

giovani: cut ties let him go he deserves to go fucking broke .. she wont let me kill him

javier: yea ..

they went there ways

giovani- im here for you mari .. don't loose yourself please .. im sorry

she saw his text but ignored it .. days went by she wouldn't come out of her room she stayed locked away ..

javier: let me try

giovani: alright

he walked up to her room and knocked she didn't answer

javier: open the fucking door maricela

she didn't answer

javier: since when do we let fools fucking words hurt us haw?! he isn't shit mari! he isn't his fucking words shouldn't hurt .. please just open the door or im pin locking it don't dare me

she unlocked it .. he walked in

javier: what the fuck haw?

maricela: i only opened it cuz i don't want you to think im in here because of him .. his words didn't hurt well they did kinda cuz i would've never thought he would say that .. but i think that was the last thing my heart needed i lost 3 babys i lost a relationship .. i couldnt keep esperanza alive i couldnt help her

javier: mari you heard what the doctors said they did everything they could she was sick there was no cure .. her loss isn't your fault .. please come eat im worried about you gios worried about you he's mad

maricela: he shouldn't even care this is all me ..

javier: there's the thing he cares about you mari he would do anything for you

she nodded as they heard the doorbell ring ..

giovani: what are you doing here? how did you get the address?

adan: my brother gave it to me .. i need to talk to her she hasn't answered

maricela walked downstairs as he said that

maricela: i already did everything with the morgue i planned it already

adan: i thought

maricela; yea you thought but i took it into my own hands .. get out

adan: she was my daughter to

maricela: was she? .. leave

adan: mari about the other day im sorry i shouldn't have talked to you like that im sorry I am

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