looking for her

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isabella: he isnt home ok

maricela: i know thats why im going to wait here till he does and if you tell him ill kill you too

she nodded nervously as maricela walked around .. she sat down at their kitchen table

isabella: hes going to see the bodys out front?

maricela: hmm thatll make him rush in here to check on his wife

isabella: can you tell me what he did?

maricela: dont worry

they heard a car drive up

ray: babe!!

he ran in and froze when he saw maricela

maricela: hello haha

she got up and shot his wife

ray: what is wrong with you!!

maricela: your seller pinned a murder on me so now its your head

ray: who are you talking about?!

maricela: adan killed katalina tipped off the cops and ran he works for you so you have to pay

ray: hes in mexico working for the cartels now

maricela: well on that day he worked for you so fuck you

she pointed the gun at him

ray: i told him to become better than you to take you out hurt you like you hurt him

maricela: im already dead inside you dumbfuck theres nothing he can do to me! fuck you!

she shot him in the stomach multiple times

he fell back coughing up blood

maricela: the worse mistake youve ever made

she left him suffering on the ground

javier: if i knew i would tell you i would

giovani: you killed that fool?

maricela: yea i had to that fucker gave up my real last name im in the system im dead to the system im buried in my hometown in a fake plot

javier: he went low low

giovano: ok did he say which cartel? i got homies in prison with some connections?

maricela: we give up his name theyll look for him directly i wanna find him myself

javier: look hes gone you gotta go in and deal with this as innocent as you can

maricela: and when it come sup im dead? then what?

giovani: spell that last name different when you walk in tomorrow lie threw your teeth babe but id they pull proof of you and adan  shit pin it on him talk shit why not

javier: why be petty haha

maricela: ill do it somehow but i guess i have to start branching out i need to work with the cartels now i have to do better than him

javier: your already better than him you need to kill him but i got that you deal with this investigation

he left

giovani: why so much competition i dont get it?

maricela: it aint that .. ray said he told adan to get bigger and better than me i know im better than him i just dont want him bigger .. i shouldve killed him

she looked down .. he raised her head

giovani: we make mistakes whatever but dont worry you got a real family thatll back you up ill help you get bigger babe head up ok .. i love you

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