i'd do it differently

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giovani: mari .. im ..

maricela: i dont get it? what did i do? why did she hate me so fucking much? i dont fucking get it? while she wrote this and did what she did i was laid out in the bathroom floor bleeding out dying ..

giovani: in the end you got the upper hand and killed her babe look at you now? you won?

maricela: i wish she was still alive though

giovani: why?

maricela: so i could go off in a different way so i could destroy her take her down in the worst way i only stabbed her a dozen times tops i couldve gone harder i coulve tortured her the way she did me what i did was to easy

giovani: but you still did it though babe you still killed her did what you had to now your doing your all to get that lil girl back in your arms to be the mother you never had

she side smiled at him as he held her hand and drove

adan: you dont understand ok

ignacio: dont understand? your to fucking distracted to be in this! i dont have time to be correcting bullshit adan i have fucking money to make?!

adan: i know ok i do and im sorry! im just at war with someine that is close to you ok thats why i came this way

ignacio: what?

adan: while i was in prison your brother jorge saw a picture of my then girlfriend he recognized her .. shes your daughter maricela lidias daughter

ignacio: lidia? wait .. she told me that lil girl died a long time ago?

adan: no shes alive lived a really fucked up life killed her mother and suppose father

ignacio: and your at war with her? show me a fucking picture your probably lying to me

he pulled out his phone and showed him

adan: shes in sinaloa now a partner of a cartel i dont know the name or whatever but she goes by la santa muerte .. she broke me screwed me over killed all my homies shes doing her all to take over its wrong the way she works its dirty .. we're racing to find our daughter that lidia ripped away from her a long time ago

he nodded

ignacio: you have one last chance you fuck up again im hanging you from a bridge my business doesnt involve her

he looked at the pictures again and took a picture of one with his phone and tossed it back at him

adan: wait

ignacio: shut the fuck up and go do your fucking job! i dont care what revenge shit your on it doesnt involve me! now go fix this bullshit or its your head 24 hours

adan: ill do what you need but go ahead and look for her she'll kill you she doesnt care for blood shes all about power now

ignacio: get out

he left

pedro: your so stupid thats a suicide mission?

adan: not if i tell her this fucking asshole has our daughter and is keeping her from him thatll make her come this way to kill him and ill have my chance to kill her

pedro: she isnt that stupid she wouldnt believe that

adan: whos side are you on haw?!

pedro: yours but i knosw we both know she wouldnt play it like that

adan: dont worry itll work i have the lawyer working on fake paper work to fuck her up haha

days went by

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