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All the eyes are on me as I enter the club with Teo next to me, his hand on my exposed lower back.

The dress he gave me to wear is a long, scarlet one made of silk with a very low cleavage and an even lower back.

People scurry out of the way as we make our way to the balcony on the first floor with two bodyguards in front of and behind us. Up there, we have a perfect view of the club.

"You want one?" Teo asks after we sat down, holding a tiny pill between his fingers. The few people (mainly men in suits with girls looking like they're way too young to be here) that are here give me expectant looks, waiting for me to say yes.

I swallow, my eyes flicking between the pill, Teo and the staircase leading down toward the exit just in case.

I shake my head no, holding my drink in a way that doesn't allow someone to slip a pill in there.

Teo's expression changes for just a second before it softens again. "You don't have to, of course," he says before flicking it into his mouth and swallowing it himself. His eyes do not once leave mine while he does that, as if to prove a point.

And that is when it dawns to me that Aryan might be 'the devil', but Teo created devilishness. He's way too dangerous for me to handle. He used my disapproval against me by showing me I can trust him and making me feel bad as a result. He's a professional manipulator.

Suddenly, I don't feel so safe anymore. My eyes scan my surrounding when the others get involved in a conversation I don't listen to.

Every one of them has a gun, I bet some of the girls have daggers, even if those are purely to keep themselves safe.

I didn't bring any of this.

What the hell are you doing, my love?

Getting out of here. Now.

The past two hours have been spent driving and trying not to go insane whilst doing so. René told me about Mabel's.....encounter with Santana and I immediately drove back to New Jersey.

The problem?

I don't know how the fuck I'm supposed to approach her. I haven't seen her in three years and I don't even know what she thinks of me now. As far as René told me, it's bad.

We arrive at René's apartment an hour later. At least I don't have to book myself a hotel. Money's not a problem but I feel like it'll be a while before I can move back into my old house—if that ever even happens.

I drop my bag on the floor and sit down on the couch René transformed into a bed. The sheets are neatly tucked under the mattress and the pillow seems to be fluffed out.

"Seriously?" I ask, raising my brows as I inspect the small dinosaurs on the blanket.

"I didn't have anything else," René says, slightly offended because I just judged his choice of bedsheets. "You could show a little more appreciation, by the way."

"And you could show a little more respect, by the way," I warn, shutting him up immediately.
"So," I sigh, deciding I was sitting for long enough. "Let's get to work, shall we?"

Hey guuuyysss🙋🏻‍♀️
I think I'm done with the -very short- novel hahaha
The first deadly desire chapter will be uploaded this week because I only uploaded this very short chapter now.

Have fun reading❤️

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