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My body is lying on the back; my one arm is pointing up and angled over my head, the other is pointing down. My right leg is stretched out and the other angled with my knee pointing outwards and my heel touching my lower leg.

There is blood surrounding me, staining my legs and shoes. My facial expression is the worst.

My head is facing the car. My mouth is slightly open and my eyes have a terrified expression on them. A strand of hair is lying on my face; the left bone of my throat is pointing upwards due to how twisted my head is.

My stomach turns as I start to hyperventilate and back up, trip and fall.

Marco and Greg rush towards me. "Her pulse is almost completely gone" Greg states in both shock and fear causing Marco gets on his knees as well to do a mouth to mouth resuscitation.

"She won't make it, she's as good as dead" Greg suddenly cries out loud which shocks me even more. I have known him my whole life but never saw him cry before.

With every breath Marco forces into my lungs a thousand memories rush through my head while a warm, comfortable feeling suddenly overcomes me.

The day Aryan came back and how pissed I was.


The times he took me to school and drove extra fast so that I would hold on to him tighter.


How we ran to the outskirts while it was pouring rain on us.


The day when I followed him to the office and he tendered my wounds.


How he looked at my belly with his thumbs stroking it.


The way he talked to our daughter when he was drunk.


"It's no use, Marco. She's dead" Greg cries but Marco does not stop. "I won't let her die. Not before Aryan has finally proposed to her. Now fucking help me" he yells at him with panic in his voice.

Propose? Aryan wanted to propose?

Aryan's pov
As we arrive at the parking lot after twelve instead of twenty minutes I see Marco's car. I immediately get out and run towards it. In the distance I see Marco and Greg leaning over Mabel's body from both sides.

My heart drops as soon as I reach them. There's blood everywhere and Mabel's sight even terrifies me.

"FUUUUCK" I scream before I get down and relieve Marco from doing the resuscitation. I grab Mabel's face and move it left and right, hoping she will wake up but it just limply falls to the sides.

"Wake. Up. You will not die today. WAKE UP" I scream as tears start to flow down my face. "WAKE UP" I scream again before my voice breaks and then only a whisper escapes my mouth as I stop and rest my forehead against her already cold one "Please".

I suddenly feel Marco's hand on my shoulder and look at him. "The ambulance will be here any minute. You need to go."

"I won't go until they brought her back" I say crying. Then I hear the sirens approach us from behind.

After that everything happens very fast. The medicals run towards us and start to cut open her dress. Her stomach is a bloody mess. There is a wound right in the center and a long slit a few inches lower.

"What blood type is she?" one of them asks me but there's nothing coming out of my mouth. I just sit there, my knees getting cold from the hard cement as I stare at Mabel while crying and panting hysterically.

"A negative" Marco answers instead and then they put a blood supply in her arm.

"Sir, you have to let go of her" a medical instructs me but I weakly shake my head no, suddenly the beeping in my ears has stopped and I hear everything clear again.

"Come on, you have to go" Marco says as he grabs my upper arm and tries to get me to stand up. "No" I scream desperately at the aching pain caused by my heart. I never knew heartbreaks actually hurt the organ. I always thought it was just metaphorical.

"Aryan the cops will be here any second" he mutters under his breath. "I don't care. I won't leave until I know she made it" I state with tears flowing down my face but Marco pulls me up.

"Come on let's go"

And with that we left her lying there with the medicals and Greg as we already heard the sirens approach us.

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