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After the movie ended, Amy and I went to her room. It's a cold November night and tomorrow will be the first day of our winter holidays. We already planned that I spend the holidays at Amy's because my parents are, take a wild guess, in Tokyo for a business plan.

We went to sleep pretty early because Amy's and Eros' parents planned a 7 day trip into their holiday house near a mountain range in Alaska. We'll leave at 6 a.m.

I wake up at 4 a.m. because I want to take a shower in peace without having to rush. It's almost impossible to take a shower in peace with 4 other people in the house who want to use the bathroom as well and there's nothing I hate more than stressing in the morning.

As I said I wake up, did a workout in the hobby room and take a long shower. I wash my hair, peel my body and even d a face mask and shit. I throw on my favourite lingerie, some black leggings combined with a crop top and to top it off my favourite grey oversized zipper. Fucking basic but I don't give a flying fuck.

To get to Amy's room, I have to walk past Eros'. As I come closer to his door, I notice a slight gap between it and his doorframe with red light shining out.

What the fuck is he doing in there?

This whole situation is weird. Him being flirty and especially the incident earlier.
Lost in my thoughts, I suddenly feel someone grab my arm and pull me into his room.

That's what you get for being a nosey bitch, Mabel.

„What are you doing?" I hiss in an annoyed tone, only to be stared at by him. „Helloooo?" I wave my hand in front of his face but still, no reaction. Did he become stupid? „Okay, since you're playing stroke, I'll just say it. We need to talk about what you did on the couch earlier-"
"There's no need to talk right now," he says and with that he pulls me in and kisses me. I pull back, cringing but then decide to kiss him back anyway.

I don't know what's happening. The only thing I know is that, right now, I want him so bad. And I don't mind the consequences.
What the fuck am I thinking, fucking Amy's brother? I can't just do that. But I still do.
If only I knew how this whole romance was going to end. Maybe then I could've prevented what was right behind the corner.

He lies down next to me and we stay like this for ten more minutes, breathless and absolutely stunned by each other. „Okay", he suddenly sits up, clapping his hands onto his thighs, making me flinch. „That was great but you have to go now."

I look at him in disbelief. Not only did he spit on my self respect right here and now, he fucking clapped his hands on his thighs.
„My parents and Amy are about to wake up because we're leaving in an hour," he explains, causing my gaze to turn toward the clock hanging on his wall.

5:50 a.m.

"Shoot," I curse, quickly getting dressed before I leave his room quietly. I gotta admit, I feel kind of used because of how he practically kicked me out. But that's my smallest concern when Amy's already on her feet and dressed.

„Where were you?" she asks as I open the door to her room.

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