"Kayla..." AZ tries to calm her down and it works until her roommate sees her full outfit and boy was she dirtied up, her fight with Sel was noticed and the scar on her chin was still there, she forgot to ask William to heal it up for her. Damn.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Kayla squeaked. "AZ you're all beat up! WHO DID THIS TO YOU?" Kayla then paced around the room.

"I'm going to eat them! Nobody messes with my roommate!" AZ lowers her head down and chuckles.

"I'm grateful you would go to war for me truly." She jumped a bit when Kayla whirled around to face her.

"This is a serious matter AZ! Did you join a fight club?" AZ leaned back when Kayla invaded her personal space. "Do you owe money?!"

"What if you're being blackmailed and you joined this fight club to help you get some and pay the dealer back Oh. My. God." AZ watched her roommate panic.

"KAYLA SUSANNE HOPEMAN!" AZ yelled and the redhead jumped a bit. "Two seconds to process things." She then grabs her face so the panicked girl can face her.

"Ow." Kayla says as her cheeks were squished.

"Listen I got a little distracted and tripped on a bush, it was dark and my dumb self couldn't see for shit and stumbled on a pebble. That's all." Kayla however looked like she didn't believe her she went to say something but AZ raised her hand up.

"And I may have drank some wine tonight which can further explain why i'm drenched up. It was shit."

"AZ I know we are only roommates but I want us to be able to confide in each other! If there is anything and I mean anything please tell me. I don't want to be in the dark." And AZ feels another set of guilt overriding her. But she needed to lie to reassure her.

"I...I know I'm sorry just tonight I had a lot of energy and I'm exhausted. I didn't realize and I fell really hard so..." She let go of Kayla. "Really, I didn't mean to worry you like that." Kayla nodded and gave her one last hug, surprising the girl some more.

"I'm really glad you're okay. I never really had anyone else except my brothers and most of the girls at my school didn't really like me. So I didn't have a lot of girl friends growing up." AZ tilted her head.

"Why not? You're a vibe I can't imagine anyone not liking you." Kayla gave her a sad frown.

"This one girl and her friend group had bullied me for a guy I had interest in that they were interested in as well. Only I ended up dating him for a while. After she found out she made a whole rumor about me that I was easy and the whole school went along with it."

"That says a lot about her than you, so fuck her and those people who believed the rumors." AZ could relate. She had no problem dating and even had a couple of girlfriends and boyfriends for a while and the kids at school didn't like that. She didn't know if it was because they were jealous or it was hard for them to believe that a girl like her would be comfortable in her own skin dating.

"Listen the next time I go out. I promise I will call." Kayla nods, wiping some tears. "You better. Or else i'll chain you up to this bed." She threatened and AZ winced when she realized the redhead was serious.

"Okay, okay got it I really don't wanna experience the wrath of Kayla. Oh forgive me for my mistake." Kayla giggled at that.

"Oh and to make up for leaving me worried to death, you are eating lunch with me since we have free time between classes!"

AZ rolls her eyes but abides, a smile on her face. "Deal. I can spare a few minutes I guess." She feigns arrogance and Kayla smacks her arm lightly.

"You damn princess!" She laughs.

𝙍𝙀𝘽𝙊𝙍𝙉, the legendborn cycle (1)Where stories live. Discover now