-Chapter 29-

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Besties, it 12.30 in the night here in Italy at this time, wohoo.

My love for the people goes outerspace... But last time I did posted a week or later...

Oh well besties, mistakes have been made.



Once again you're back with the nightmare, but you were already used to it unfortunately, so you didn't mind at all.

Only after you got up from the bed, not finding your flashlight, you started noticing the changes in the place. It looked more...lively? Normal, like it was your real room. The creepy particles of dust weren' t there, the room itself looked more clean than ever, and most importantly, there was light.

Instead of the everlasting night, there was now a sunrise, or a sunset, you couldn't tell the difference between the two. So, with the little light you had, you checked under the bed and in your closet, but the plushies weren't there.

Estranged by the situation, you immediately went over to your mom's bedroom, but the plushies weren't there either, while Freddy on the chair disappeared in one night. You thought that it was over, that finally you could have gone to sleep like normal again.

Yeah... no, not at all.

To further inspect the rooms, you looked over the place where Fredbear's plushie should have been, but like the others it wasn't. Instead the stairs were visible, and it looked like you were able to go downstairs.

So, accepting the fact that the flashlight wasn't anywhere upstairs, you took the stairs to the kitchen.

The entire house looked real, and for a bit you were wondering if you were hallucinating instead of dreaming. You looked out of the entrance window, noticing how there were cars going by, people passing on the street, and also someone mowing their lawn.

Smiling at the scene, your eyes drifted on the outside of your door. A Springbonnie plushie was there. The catch? The door wouldn't open, so you couldn't flash him even if you had the flashlight.

"Shit shit shit... The hell do I do now?" You backed away from the door, reaching the kitchen. "I knew it wasn't going to be so easy..."

You looked around, searching inside drawers for a little flashlight, but they were abnormally empty, not even a fork in sight. As your breath was getting heavy you continued searching the living room, until you heard multiple knocks on the door.

It was like something big was banging from out there, something like metal.

In panic, you hid behind the wall of the stairs, right when the door busted open, followed by noises of metal stomping on the ground.

You needed to be fast but silent, and you also needed a place to hide... like the secret room behind your closet.

You started to walk on the stairs quietly, until the last step made a cracking noise. That is when you realized that you were fucked if you weren't able to run faster than him.

So, you rushed in your room, hearing the stomping growing closer and louder, until you went into your room and closed the door, putting a broom stick between the handle and the wall in order to not let the door open.

Slowly you backed away, before rushing again to the closet and the little door, closing it behind you just when the banging on the door started.

You couldn't see a thing and everything you could do was just waiting for him to go away, until you touched something with your hand, like a wooden handle. You couldn't understand what it was, until you took it with both of your hands.

The Kind Ghost of Hurricane (Michael Afton x reader)Where stories live. Discover now