-Chapter 7-

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Funny FazFact: After I repeatedly died in Fredbear's night terrors level in help wanted in vr, I rage quitted, saying these exact same words: "I'm going to kill a corpse."
Doesn't make sense, but at least I relieved my anger of 0.003%.


You quietly entered your house, afraid that your mom might be already sleeping. And there she was, snoring on the couch, with the tv still on. It was our cinema night after all, but instead you went to the party. She wasn't feeling sad when you first told her about it, she was happy that you made some friends.

It wasn't the same for you. I mean, you were happy that you finally had friends, and your crush was talking to you, but as soon as you saw your mom on the couch you felt nostalgic. Nostalgic of a time that was only a week ago.

"Mom, wake up. You're sleeping on the couch." You whispered, turning off the tv, so the only light was the moonlight coming from the window.

"Oh god you're right, I wanted to wait for you. I want to know everything you did." Instead of going to bed, she sat up with an expectant face.

She needed to take care of me when she was my same age, so it's only fair if she wants to know what she couldn't do in her time. Well, might as well please her.

"So, there's... this boy."

"Oh god there's a boy! Is the time finally arrived that we need to have that kind of conversation?"

"Mom, no offense but you're an example of what not to do."

"That brutal honesty, you took it all from me. But tell me everything, come on."

You started telling her everything, from your ongoing crush since middle school, your friend Alyssa and how you met her, her giant house, Chris even if you told her about him already, but especially his relationship with the boy.

She was listening like a kid hearing a fairytale.

"So you dressed up as your friend so that she could try and win him over dressed as you? That's smart."

"I guess, but it lasted only two hours, then he noticed something was off, even if I did a perfect impression of Alyssa."

"Well you know, some say that if you like someone you can recognize them even if you are dressed as someone else."

"You're not wrong, it didn't work on Alyssa's boyfriend, but I doubt it's the same with Michael. I told you we never talked before this week."

"What was his last name again? Afton?" You nodded. "I think I met his mother today outside the jewellery store, with her daughter. Really cute kid."

"What did you talk about?"

"She first asked me if I was related to you, and she was surprised to know that I was your mom. She then went on to tell me 'oh my you look so young', and I was like 'I'm 32 Clara, I had [Name] when I was 15'. You should have seen her face, she was so traumatized." Your mother started to laugh and you followed.

"You should have seen her entire family, of course she was traumatized. It looks like she's living as the mother and wife in the American dream family, they only need a dog, but I guess the animatronic in the basement works too." You commented, which made your mother raise an eyebrow.

"Animatronic? In the basement? It looks like the beginning of a horror movie, I wouldn't be surprised if next week those robots will kill someone. What you said was inside the suits? Sprincklogs?"

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