-Chapter 28-

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I have no excuse for myself, that's why we should all blame the nEW GENSHIN IMPACT STORY I'M WRITING THAT WILL BE PUBLISHED WHO KNOWS WHEN
I feel like an horrible person to leave you all here without a new chapter.



And so back again you were at the pizzeria, ready for another night of gruesome surgery and survival at its finest.

But as you entered from the vent like normal, you found another unexpected guest you didn't know you would even be able to find before tonight.

"Hi [Name]! Your blind friend told me that you were going to be here tonight!" The happy girl almost appeared in front of you as you turned around to go to the office. Needless to say, she nearly gave you a heart attack.

You were more than shocked to see her here. "Suzie?! What-... How-... Wait, blind? Are you talking about older Jeremy?"

"Yeah, he looked like he was blind. He got me out of Chica, but he started talking to me after I said hi. He didn't look at me once."

"He got you out of-?!" You took a deep breath and crouched to her. "He can see, just not ghosts. Anyway, Suzie, I'm way more than happy to see you tonight." You smiled at her, lifting your hand for a high five, which was quickly reciprocated by that little ray of burning sun.

"Alright, cover your ears now little one." As the girl did so, you got up and stormed off to the office. "Jeremy what the fuck!?" You screamed, only for the office door to be closed right in front of you, followed by the other one on the other side.

"I'm like you now [Name]! If you can do it, I can do it." Jeremy said from the inside, looking at you from the window.

"You know nothing about how animatronics are made! How did you even do that?"

"Oh come on! Five kids and an employee died here, and you think that these people care about how animatronics are made or not? They're already building another pizzeria with different suits and they're going to use pieces of the old ones."

"So you're telling me that they asked you to take some pieces of Chica and you did it?"

He smiled victoriously, wiping off fake dust from his shirt. "You heard little Suzie, didn't you? Fritz and her are already at home not-so safe and sound, because I only brought their bodies..."

"That's... woah. And here I thought I overworked because people don't know shit about animatronics... I'm starting to think that I'm lucky I'm dead. I might be able to sue Fazbear Entertainment for millions..."

"You're dead, you can't sue them."

"Mom might be able to."

"I don't think you're getting the point [Name]." Charlie got into your conversation, saving Jeremy from having to continue replying.

"Yeah I know, I was just messing with you," you smiled at him, nudging his shoulder, "and I guess now I can leave Freddy to you tonight right?"

"About that... Remember when I said that the company gave me Chica to be taken care of...?" He sounded really embarrassed for no reason, then pointed behind you.

When you turned around, the giant animatronic bear was looking down on you, with his emotionless face.

"Don't freak out, the kid's free, but I don't know if he's around here."

"I'm not freaking out, who said I'm freaking out, I'm used to this shit now. Between reality and dream I developed some kind of emotional barrier for these fuckers," you said whispering, all in one breath. But in fact you were freaking out, especially after that same bear tried to kill you in your sleep, and now you were just hoping that you could hear Gabriel talking as soon as possible.

The Kind Ghost of Hurricane (Michael Afton x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora