-Chapter 16-

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My guys, my people, my pals, gals and the gender neutral term that I'm not remembering now at 11 pm: I have finished Help Wanted.

*Booing sounds* "Get her off the stage!" "That's nothing!" *Whistles of disrespect*

Thank you my people, thank you. I will cherish your words in my heart, and I'll probably kill someone after this *wink*



Your reawakening from certain death was a bit sudden. One moment you were laying on the ground, bleeding, the second you were sitting gasping for air. You couldn't explain what happened, but you somehow forgot about the deep wound on your stomach that was still bleeding.

You didn't come back to life unharmed, you were just given a few more minutes to settle things as they should have been from the beginning, right as soon as the man opened the door.

You slowly got up from the ground, holding the freshly bleeding wound with the arm that you got stabbed before, and made your way towards the party room, supporting your body on the walls.

You needed to be quick but quiet. There weren't any screams or maniacal laughs, so you peeked inside. Everything was dark, but you could see the outline of the objects a bit. The kids probably hid in the pizzeria when they found out that the doors were closed.

In the worst cases he found them, but you hoped he didn't.

The only light on was the emergency light in the security room, which for some reason was empty today. Right when you needed it the most.

Taking a deep breath, for what you could do, you rushed towards the little room and collapsed on the floor, your back resting on the part of the wall between the automatic door and the desk.

You continued to pressure on the wound, right when everything started becoming fuzzy again. You weren't going to waste another life, even if it was only for five minutes.

You took the phone from the desk, and started dialing a number with your bloody hands. Not the police, not your mother, and Michael was out of the question now.

"Who is it?" The male voice asked from the phone. A few murmuring voices could be heard too in the background.

"Hey, um... Something happened a few hours ago, and I need you to pick me up right now. Please?" You said, with tears rolling down your face as you smiled. It was nice hearing his voice seconds before you passed out. 
The voice of the man that helped you through life when your mom couldn't, and who taght you everything he knew. Who treated you like his own blood.

"[Name]?! What happened? Are you ok?"

"Not really. Are the others with you?" You asked, as your voice broke from the crying.

"Yes, well, except for Michael. But stop being so vague and tell me what happened to you? Did William hurt you?"

"Yeah... He stabbed me on the arm and in the stomach, and I think I died for a second but then I magically came back to life and I don't know for how long."

There was a bit of silence from the other side. "Henry? Henry please don't go now, don't tell me you hung up. I-"

"Hey, don't worry, I'm here. I'm entering the car to come get you. You're in the pizzeria, right?"

"Y-yeah. There were five kids together with me. Afton's not here anymore, but I don't know what happened to them..." The pain was getting unbearable again, maybe a sign that you weren't going to be conscious for long. "Just please don't tell anything to mom. Not now..." You tried to cover your pain and fear with sadness, but it worked only for a second, before Henry continued to talk.

The Kind Ghost of Hurricane (Michael Afton x reader)Where stories live. Discover now