-Chapter 3-

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I know, most of the first chapters are bad, but if you stay with me a little longer they'll be better. I just didn't arrive in the part where the death happens.



He tightened the grip on your shoulder, a sign for you to hurry up. You were glancing at Alyssa with a face that you thought said "help me", but apparently not.

She smirked and nodded, before turning around with what you thought was the boyfriend she was talking about in the bathroom.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Come on, let's go. I won't bite, I promise." He said, walking away and dragging you along, his hand still firm on your shoulder.

Oh yes he will.

As you were walking further away from the curious eyes of the people, you tried nudging off the hand that was slowly hurting your shoulder, but he just pulled you closer. Not gonna lie, but even if you were scared to death, you couldn't help it but get excited at the contact.

I can't even be afraid in peace?! God, emotions sucks. Crushes sucks. School life sucks. Why is everything so difficult?!

"Nope, I already underestimated you with the ribbons, I won't do it again."

"Why are you doing this...?" You whispered to yourself, hoping that he didn't hear you. He did, of course, but it didn't matter. You two hid under the seats on the side of the field, and the only people there were the students in gym class, meters away from you two.

He kneeled down to your height, trying to get you to look at him instead of the ground.

"I'm not going to beat you up, if that's what you think. I just have to ask you something, nothing more."

You started fidgeting with your hands, taking your time to talk.

"That's not really-... Nevermind. What do you need?" You asked, lifting your head up for a second to try and look at him. Clearly, it didn't work.

"What did my brother say to you about me?"

The question took you off guard. Talking about Chris gave you the long lost courage to look at a person in the eyes.

"Why do you ask?"

He shrugged his shoulders."Curiosity."

When the adrenaline of the moment passed, you went back to look away, but still held your head up.

"That you're a horrible brother. That's it."

Without him responding, you left him behind and walked towards the people in the field that had already started doing exercises.
You always used to do that, protecting your friends to the point that even you don't know how, pushing your limits out of your boundaries. Mr. Emily sai that you might have spent a little too much time with him and his lesson on engineering.

"What did you and Afton talk about? You seemed rather blushful before walking with him." Alyssa runned to you, breathing heavily from the effort made. "Do you like him?" She smirked, nudging you with the elbow.

You smiled at the little action and quickly defended yourself. "I think I do, but it's just one of those high school crushes that pass after it ends."

"Oh come on! You seemed like a positive person yesterday, are you really so pessimistic?"

"I would say more realistic, but nevermind. It's nothing that interesting."

"It's not?! That's the best thing about having female friends!" She exclaimed, her voice echoing in the entire field. She quickly apologized and continued doing her couple exercises with me.

The Kind Ghost of Hurricane (Michael Afton x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon