-Chapter 34-

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"Should I bring the axe? Or maybe we should burn that place down."

"Better not do both of those things... Especially with those creepy hallucinations that we see."

The day passed quickly when you were in the company of someone else, and unfortunately another night arrived, so that meant another repetitive nightmare that is your job.

"I'm sorry, we? Did you see something too?" You asked, deciding on bringing the bag or not. Maybe there was something in the building that you could use.

"No, of course not, why would I? You're the one that worked with killer robots before, not me. You just confused me when you said that we should burn down the building." He answered from another room nearby. **

"Well then, I was planning on burning down the building, but if you have something better in mind then I'm all ears."

"Oh you know, not doing that for the time being? You should plan everything in the littlest detail, like, are you sure you can destroy a 7 feet tall alone? How do you plan on burning down that place without leaving any trace?"

You got out of the room, without your bag. "Police can't incriminate a dead person. Unlike your father I wasn't declared dead after I disappeared from the radar for 25 years, I was declared dead in a hospital. When I died there, I died in the eyes of the world."

"Alright, stop with the existential blabbering, you should still be careful about what you're going to do," he said, almost appearing behind you.

"I get it, I'll postpone the arson to another night, happy? Now let's go to work, I left my car in the parking lot." Without hearing any response, you took Michael by his arm and brought him outside, ready for the night.

As you got out of the car, you immediately went to check on yours, and luckily nothing happened to it.

"You know what, I feel refreshed, maybe I won't have those hallucinations anymore," you said confidently, entering the building.

"But you know they're hallucinations, right? Just let them "attack" you and they're gone. Yesterday it was only the surprise factor and your sleep deprived brain that made you like that," he said, closing the door behind him.

You thought about it. "I mean, it could be right. They both looked really transparent, so that could help too."

"See? We solved a problem, the next one is surviving the night. Well, surviving metaphorically, let's just get this over with." He concluded, going to check the camera monitor.

You felt a bit useless from that moment on, just looking at his back while he was working so calmly. He might have said that he knew what he was doing, but it's still strange that he managed to get the hang of it in only a few minutes.

After hours into the night, you were tired of sitting against a wall doing nothing, and so you got up.

"Alright, time to switch, I don't want to leave you all the fun," you said, taking Michael's place. You were sure that you were about to sleep again.

"If you ask so nicely then..." he looked outside of the room, peeking from the long hallway in front of the office, right when he had an idea. "I'll just explore the place."

"On second thought, you can continue watching the came- Michael don't you dare leave the hallway," you said, glaring at him from inside the office.

"It was your choice to just sit on the ground, and it's my choice to do this. Watch my back, will you?" He said, before continuing to walk again.

You sighed in annoyance, before calling him from outside the room to throw a walkie talkie at him. "Don't do anything reckless, will you?" You said, imitating him.

The Kind Ghost of Hurricane (Michael Afton x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora