-Chapter 6-

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Is it fine if as an italian I like more burgers than pizza? 
Maybe it's because I'm surrounded by it, unlike burgers.


"W-what kind of question is that?" You asked, starting to sweat for the heat, but also because the boy in front of you was too much in front of you.

"Just do it can't you? It's not that hard... as long as you aren't hiding something."

You prayed that someone would help you get out of that risky situation. What will he think of you if he finds out? Hate you? Will he be disappointed and not talk to you nor Alyssa for his entire life? Will he start to do something more than just prank and annoy Chris out of anger?

Calm down [Name], it's going to be fine, you just need to relax. He still doesn't know anything, and I'm sure that Jamie was able to tell the difference only because he's Alyssa's boyfriend.

Someone knocked on the door, and it seemed that the girl heard your prayers and came to rescue you.

"Uhm... Alyssa, are you done in there? I don't really like this place and you promised me that you would stay by my side for the night." "[Name]" pleaded from outside.

"Alright listen here, I don't know why you're asking weird questions, but my friend is calling for my help and I need to go with her. So get the fuck away from me before I punch you hared than I did in ninth grade, got it?" You commanded, before having a stare contest with the person in front of you, who moved to the side to let you jump down the sink.

As the door closed shut, he was still in the bathroom, leaning on the sink while looking at his reflection in the mirror. Something made him smile, a lot. A thought, a dream, a wish for the future perhaps, or simply just... a person.

The second hour was bearable, worse than the first, but he social battery had still half of content inside. The thing, or to better say the person, that made it worse than the first part had his eyes on you the entire time, waiting even for a brief moment to see "Alyssa" without the mask.

You didn't know if you liked the attention, or wanted to kick him in the balls for it. You needed somewhere where you could be alone with your thoughts, without attracting too much attention to your absence.

"Hey guys, what are you playing?" You asked, coming across a bunch of people reunited around a carpet, with a bottle of glass in the center. You were still holding "[Name]" arm in arm, holding her for your dear life.

"The queen is finally here. We're playing 7 minutes in heaven, but your dear Jamie isn't here. Wanna play anyway?"

Alyssa told you briefly what it was about. Simply seven minutes inside a little space, like a closet, with someone else in it. It was famous because of the make out session that people would make there, but she told you that you could use it anyway as a hiding spot to recharge your energies. As long as you would make an excuse, people could leave you alone if you really wanted.

"Yeah sure, why not." You sat down with "[Name]" next to you, increasing the chances of going into the closet together. Apparently it was the smallest room in the house.

"Playing seven boring minutes in the closet? I'm in." Someone behind you said. The same someone that made this part of the night unbearable.

"You know, now that I think about it, I have to meet someone else-" You tried to get up, but Foxy boy behind you pulled you back down. You couldn't make a scene with "Alyssa", but you couldn't even do that with "[Name]" either, for different reasons.

You just pouted, which is something that the real Alyssa told you she would do when annoyed.

The first rounds were light, as the bottle didn't land in your direction. It was difficult to move around when Michael was still trying to not let you escape.

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