-Chapter 15-

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Got the first comment on a story since the cringe one I made three years ago about Mha.
Feeling good.



The hard cold floor was the first thing you felt after regaining consciousness. Everything was blurry, and you felt like there were thousands of blocks of cement on your head. Even when you started opening your eyes, you had to do it slowly, or the lights could have worsened the headache.

You wanted your eyes to stay closed and continue to sleep, but slowly you remembered the situation you were in, you all were in, and so you sat up, holding your head.

As you touched your head, you noticed that you hadn't just a little hit on the head, because you had blood on your hand. "Shit..." You cursed to yourself, before looking around the room.

It looked like the kids already started to know each other, for the little time you all had, and so little group apart from each other and the door were formed. Something that gathered their attention to the center was your awakening.

"Nothing happened while I was out, right?" You asked, getting up from the ground. You had to rest your back on the wall or you would have collapsed on the floor again.

"Why are we here?" A girl asked. She had a more commanding tone, but it was clear that she was about to cry.

You sighed. "I wish I could find different words for this, but there aren't any. We're just the unlucky people that aren't liked by that yellow rabbit." You responded. You didn't want to lie, it was useless anyway, it's not that it will change anything.

"He... he told us there was a surprise behind here." One of the kids spoke up. He was sitting away from everyone, near old arcade machines. "Do you think someone will find us before it's too late?"

Slowly, you walked towards him and sat there, putting your arm around him. Immediately he started snuggling closer. "I hope so. That is if he doesn't die because of the endoskeleton..." You comforted him, letting your mind wander off in the last part of the sentence.

"What's an endoskeleton?" A little blonde girl asked, sitting next to you on the other side.

"It's a skeleton for animatronics. The new ones can't do this, but in an old diner people could get inside the robot and move them from the inside. Unfortunately one of those people is the man inside the yellow rabbit, but I think we can count on the rusty endoskeleton to not do its job." You explained to the girl.

"You mean that endoskeleton?" The brave girl from before asked, pointing at a sitting endoskeleton. "Yes... Exactly that endoskeleton. Goddammit."

Even if you were desperate, all of you were, the kids smiled at your reaction.

"What's your name?" Another kid asked, his hand holding another kid's, as they were walking towards the arcades too.

"[Name], head mechanic for the ship Foxynne II, as you can see from the color of my shirt, at your service." You smiled, as you did a little bow.

"Are you really a mechanic or that's just a title you have for entertainment?" The brunette asked, as she sat in front of you with her legs crossed. It seemed that she was slowly starting to like you more.

"Oh no no, I really have to take care of the robots. Two years ago I repaired Foxy only because I wanted to see what he would do. I was still working at the diner at the time."

She smiled. "I'm Cassidy. That's Suzie, Fritz, Gabriel and Jeremy." She said, pointing at the blonde girl, the kid hugging you, and the two kids holding hands. The last two seemed awfully close, maybe they were brothers or something.

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