28. Finally clear

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"... hey have any of you heard from yo mama?..."

Thea looked at her father. "Aunt Lena said she arrived in LA this morning...."

Keegan looked confused. "What?."

"Call aunt Lena... mom is in LA.. she didn't say a word to anyone she just went..." she told him. "Mom isn't the same anymore... and is it any wonder dad..." she added.

Keegan sighed. "Thea... shut up.." he said.

Josh walked into the house. He saw his father. "Just the man.. we've got some Intel on the Albanians.. and why they're here..."

"I think I know

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"I think I know....

"I bet you do... they're here for you, Wesley and business hasn't been good for them in LA.. pops was able to freeze them out, so Aldo is going to try here on yo patch because I guess he thinks that you owe him after you... screwed his wife..." Josh said and shook his head.

"It was a long time ago Josh...

"I don't care anymore... I don't wanna hear it... all I've heard today is that you were in a hotel with three strippers from the club, you spent the night with all of them... So much for wanting to win Mom back and for things to go back to the way that they were before this bullshit happened with Yasmin... I guess she really does mean nothing to you...


"No dad... we lived as kids watching you beat her... watching you blame her for everything. And you always happen to come out smelling of Roses even after you fucked this bitch, and fucked that bitch... her sister, her best friend... Anyone, as long as it hurt her right?..: because that is all you've ever done.... I hope she never takes you back, more fool her. If she does you don't deserve her. She is too good for you...."

"You mother fucker....." he said and grabbed Josh.

Thea and Ricardo split them up.
"Dad leave... now...." Thea said. "Please let things calm down..."

Keegan stormed out. He got in his car and held his head in his hands, breathing deeply.


"Is that Charisma outside?..." Storm said.

Lena joined Storm at the window. She frowned. "What is she doing?... she's just sitting there..."

Lena went to the door. Charisma saw her and got out of the car, she walked towards her sister.
"C?... I wasn't expecting to see you until the party?..."
She looked at her sisters face, she saw the tears well and her lip quiver. "C?..."


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"I.... I.... Can't....

"Hey... it's okay... it's okay...." She pulled her sister to her for a hug. Jenson joined them but stayed behind them. "Come inside..."

"I can't stay Jago is sorting out a hotel...

"Come in.... Talk to me...."

Charisma went inside a complete wreck. Lena gave her a drink. She sat with her. "You want to tell me what's going on..."

"I am trying to hold it together... but I can't... I'm lost... I don't know what's what anymore... I don't know who I am...

Lena held her hands. "You have not given yourself time sis, I have been expecting this moment from you... but I thought it would be before now.... You suffered an horrific traumatic ordeal that you almost died from. You have come out of hospital and you've continued with your everyday life as if it never even happened... You are traumatised... that isn't going to go away as easily as you're making it out that it has..."

"Why" she said and sobbed. "Why.. does he.. want to... hurt me...."
Jenson stood in the doorway he rubbed his chin and shook his head, he truly hated the way that Keegan had abused Charisma over so many years.
"He's still sleeping with other women... I'm not good enough for him... I've.. I've tried to be what he needs since I was 21... but he lies to me... he's lied to me since I met him from that very day... he.. he controlled my whole life... he knows he had me where he needed me when he married my best friend in front of me.... When he had sex with Tatiana and a baby with her that he tried to cover up many times..." she looked at her sister as the tears fell. "Why does he hate me so much?... when he's sleeping with these girls what is thinking about me?...."

Jenson sat next to her. "I can't ever excuse what he's done to you..."

She clutched her chest. "C!.. are you okay?" Lena said worriedly.
She looked at Jenson. "Get her a doctor.."

"No.. I'm okay.. I'm being weak.. I need to be stronger than this... that's what everyone wants... I take the beatings, the cheating and the degradation and I just smile and dust myself off and continue... I can't cry, voice my opinions because I'm then weak.. I can't talk to my kids because they don't understand... I am barely holding it together.... And no one cares..."

"I care... I care more than you could ever know.." Lena said.

"It's like I've never belonged... you know that feeling just as well as I do... and Keegan he.." she smiled. "He was so nice when I met him... I was instantly taken by him... and I never fell out of love with him... he could do anything.. and he did..." she said, she swallowed hard. "He said to me recently that he would rather screw a random ho than have to look at my scars... did he mean that?... I mean really deep down.... I don't think I'm good for him.. he could do better..."

"Don't do that Charisma... he is lucky to have you..." Jenson said.

"Listen, stay here tonight... Jago can find a hotel for himself... and he can sort business for you for tonight... I want you close to me... I need to be here for you right now.."

Charisma nodded and headed up to the bathroom.

Lena looked at Jenson. "I knew this was coming... she hasn't been given time... she needs to heal or this is going to break her.. this is classic PTSD... I know because I've been there... she is sick, she needs therapy and rest... and love...and Keegan needs to keep his distance right now..."

Jenson nodded, "he will I'll talk to him and make sure he understands.."


Anton walked into the house and Tian looked at him.
"I've just come to get my stuff... I think it's best I just get outta here..."

"He came here

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"He came here... Chase..." he shook his head. "You mother fucker... the Albanians?.. really..."

"Chase isn't involved in his cousin's business.. he's not like that...

"I DONT CARE!..." he snapped. " Don't talk to me about him like you fucking him is okay... YOU'RE MY HUSBAND..." he yelled. "How could you do this to me?... you know how I feel about you...."

Anton saw the deep cut on his head. "Tian I... I didn't want to hurt you...

"Physical pain I can deal with that... the rest of it I can't... not from you after all these years... you just need to get yo shit and go...

"I know you too well... what are you gonna do?.."

"That really doesn't matter Anton... just know I can't let this go... And I won't.....

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