3. She knows

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"..... my god how much pull does this bitch actually have?.." Dinah said as they pulled into the spot that Charisma had had a hunch about, it was a lavish resort with the Rockies around them around half an hour from where Keegan's place was.

"She is in to everything and everyone to get what she wants.. this bitch will literally stop at nothing." Charisma said. " But I can't believe that Keegan didn't think about this place...

"Well, he probably wouldn't right about now... It's not been too long since he got his head back together, after what she did to him, usually he's quicker off the mark than this, but lately his head is everywhere" Dinah said.

"And I bet I can guess why his head is like that and who it's over" Jago said looking at Gee.

"Please don't take this the wrong way and make sure you do whatever you have to do Charisma

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"Please don't take this the wrong way and make sure you do whatever you have to do Charisma.." Dinah said. "But we all need Apache back to his usual astute fya self... the way he is at the moment means that everything is slipping past him..." she added. "Until he has spoken to you that is.."

Charisma looked at Dinah and rolled her eyes. "I will talk to him.. but going to the trap to see everyone at once and have him standing there was too much to start with... I couldn't do it.. I froze... and it definitely needs to be in a different setting...."
They stopped talking as they saw a door open and Yasmin walk out.
"Boom! And there she fucking is....

"Okay... we need to call everyone here..." Jago said.

"Yes for back up only... because I want that fucking ho myself.." Charisma said. "And I'm going in as soon as she leaves.. to get those kids out.." she said. They sat back and watched as Yasmin spoke to her guards.


"... keep an eye on them... they are all napping right now... given the right amount of brandy in their milk that should keep them all out for a while.." she told her two main guards. "I'll be back in no longer than a couple of hours .." she added and jumped into a top of the range Mercedes pulling away from the place at speed in the opposite direction to Charisma and the others.

"Where is Lola?.." Charisma asked Dinah.

"She is just on the roof adjacent to this one..." she read a text. "she said she can see in, she can see the girls and she has counted 6 guards around the perimeter and 2 inside..."

Charisma nodded. "These guards don't know me at all... but trust me they're gonna want to..." she moved her body up so she was lifted off of her seat. "Jago rip my skirt.."

"What now?.." he said.

"Just rip it... I need to make it shorter, a lot shorter...

"Jago set about ripping the skirt. "Thank you Lord, for making sure that Keegan is not anywhere in the vicinity right now..." he said looking at the skies out of the window.

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