14. That love

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".... Are you okay?.." Orion said to Venice as the blast settled and the fog and smoke began to clear. She was lying on the floor, he was to and reached his hand to hers, "Venice baby, please tell me you're okay?.."

"Yes... I think so...
She looked down and saw blood forming in a pool between her legs. She looked at Orion
"The baby... I'm losing the baby...."

"GET HER TO A HOSPITAL NOW!.." he yelled to security who were making their way through the rubble towards them.

Orion knew this had to be targeted, he knew his girl was the leader of a hugely renowned cartel. His worry was who was after her and what would their next move be.


Ellie opened her eyes and as she did she saw Keegan, the image of Jenson just standing there looking at her. She raised a smile. "Keegan...

Keegan didn't smile. He just nodded, his guard was well and truly up now, he had been lied to so many times he didn't know what was the truth, who to believe, and who really cared about him.

"Thank you for coming...

"Please don't be on no bullshit, I'm done with it...

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry for everything... look at you so much like your father... he always had the stronger genes.." she smiled. "I need to apologise to you for Yasmin, had I known her plans..

 "I need to apologise to you for Yasmin, had I known her plans

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"Forget her... I was never gonna let her get close enough to me... But I did let her ruin my wife, and my life with her.."

"Charisma.." she said.

He looked at her quick with his eyebrows furrowed. "Yeah Charisma" he said as though the mere mention of her name made his heart beat a lil faster.

"She came here... earlier this morning... she still loves you, that is completely evident to me.... And my god she is gorgeous... she is the image of Lena... I can see why you love her so much..." she sighed.

"And you disliked Lena in the end because of yo pull to dad..."

She sighed. "Keegan, that was a long time ago ... and I know that I've never been there for you, as much as I wanted to... And as much as I should've been... I wish that your life was completely different to how it turned out... But I wanna go to my grave, knowing that you are happy and that you are going in the right direction for you... I understand this violence and craziness you have about you, and see where it came from.... But I know that my baby boy would also have a good side, an emotional side... because you're half of me... and although I made mistakes, when I was younger, it doesn't take away from the fact that I've always tried to be a good person...." She held his hand. " Please, take care of that girl, love her, prove to her that she is the only one and then make sure that she is the only one... you have no need to be chasing other women around when you've got someone as beautiful as her by your side... but you already know that... I know deep down you're a good man Keegan..."

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