Chapter Forty-Seven

Start from the beginning

Hiking my backpack securely onto my shoulder, I tug my carry-on behind me as I wander through the small crowds of people. A group of teenagers stand at the top of the stairs that lead to the public library, giggling and pointing at people slipping on patches of ice.

Kids run around, bundled in their snowsuits, playing in patches of snow on the grassy spots next to the Christmas booths.

I walk through the city square, across the street, and further down the road until the hum of activity quietens down enough for me to request an Uber. He arrives in less than two minutes and I sit in the back seat of the car, quietly preparing myself for the next two weeks.

The house comes into view a few minutes later. Christmas lights string along the edges of the house, glowing brightly as I step out of the car. They're plain gold, classy as my mother would prefer compared to the colorful lights.

Through the front windows, I spy the lights on downstairs. Flashes of the television become clearer further up the walkway. Pulling my set of keys out of my backpack, I unlock the front door. Stepping out of my shoes before walking inside, I leave them on the mat left just inside the front door for any wet or dirty shoes.

My bags quietly thud to the floor as I move further into the warm, quiet house. "Hello?" I call out.

The noise of the television silences. Thuds of feet rush across the hardwood floor. Henry, appears in the entryway, a wide smile on his face.

"Perrie girl, you're home!" He says loudly, opening his arms as he comes closer, wrapping me in a warm, welcome hug. He's taller than me by at least a foot. He grasps my shoulders and looks down at me, "No one told me you were coming today, I would have gone to pick you up!"

Offering him a small smile and a shrug, I drop my hands from around him. "I don't mind taking the bus."

He makes a pft sound with his mouth. "Are you kidding? I mind! Next time call me and I'll drive down to pick you up, we'll make it a Perrie-Henry mini road trip," he chuckles, squeezing my shoulders before wrapping one arm around me and leading me further into the house. "What's first on the agenda? A nap?" He leans closer to my face, a thick eyebrow arched. "You look a little rundown, Perrie girl, was it the bus ride?"

It's amazing how quickly he can pick up on things, it's like he has a sixth sense. "I'm good, just in desperate need of a shower and something to drink."

He makes a show of sniffing my hair before pulling an exaggerated face. I punch him in the arm softly, a grin on my face. "You're on your own for the first one but I'll whip up some hot cocoa while you handle that."

I nod my head in thanks, nails tapping nervously on the marble countertops. "Where is everyone?" I ask cautiously, glancing up the stairs to the landing.

Henry bends down and grabs a small pot. "Your mom is picking up Dove from dance class and Wren is upstairs with headphones on," he says with a smile. "Ask her if she wants some cocoa—you know what, never mind, she's a chocolate addict." He chuckles to himself as he waves me off the stairs.

Last time I was here, I didn't make it in the front door. I'd forced Henry to go inside while barely saying a word to him. One of the first things he did, was notice that something was wrong with me. I wasn't going to bother seeing how long it'd take my mother, she was never good at observations.

On a whim, I twist back to the kitchen and quickly walk over before he can say anything, wrapping my arms around his middle. He doesn't say a word, only drops an arm around my shoulder, squeezing me tighter to him. "It's good to have you home, Perrie girl."

I nod silently and dash up the stairs. The bedrooms are distributed perfectly in my opinion. Henry and my mom's bedroom is located at one side of the landing along with Dove's room and the office turned nursery. Wren mentioned that Mom wanted the little one's rooms closer to them. And Wren and my's rooms are on the other side where the guest room is and the extra room where Henry will have a new office once the baby comes.

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