Chapter 73: Spider-Man & Black Cat

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Y/N's P.O.V

So I just had a run in with a Tombstone crew and apparently Cat stole another Maggia drive too.

After a few hours of sitting with the whole "potentially having a son" thing. I decide that I can't hold it in anymore.

I need to tell Katie about this. I also need to tell her about Cat getting another drive.

So, I call Kate.

Y/N: Hey, Katie. Cat got another data drive.

Kate: Just one more and Tombstone has all the Maggia family drives. We gotta figure out what's on those drives.

Y/N: Yeah. Oh and there's something else. There's this thing, probably not a big thing, but it COULD be a thing. A little thing... maybe big thing.

Kate: Y/N, please say a sentence that doesn't have the word "thing" in it.

Y/N: Right, sorry. Okay, so the reason Felicia is working with Tombstone is because he took her son.

Kate: Really? I didn't know she had a son, but given what I've heard that does sound like something Tombstone would do.

Y/N: There's this other thing. You know that she and I dated for awhile before we met. So...

Kate: Yeah, so. Oh. Oh! Are you serious?!

Y/N: Well, I don't know for sure, but it's possible.

Kate: God, I need to hang up now.

She hangs up on me.

Y/N: Okay then. That went about as well as I expected. She'll call back once she's cooled off, right? Man, I need to talk to someone about this.

I web swing back to the precinct.

(Twenty minutes later)

I'm now at the police precinct and I go to Joe's office.

I knock on the door and walk in.

Y/N: Hey, Joe.

Joe: Hey, Y/N. You okay?

Y/N: Uh, I don't know. Can we talk?

Joe: Sure.

I go and sit down.

I then spend the next few minutes telling him about what's happening with Felicia and me potentially being a father.

He sighs.

Joe: Wow, kid. That's crazy.

Y/N: Yeah, I know.

Joe: Does Kate know?

Y/N: Yeah, I told her and we haven't spoken since then. I'm just gonna give her some time to process it all.

Joe: Good idea.

I sigh.

Y/N: Man, I can't be a dad. Look at me, Joe. I can barely take care of myself, let alone a kid.

Joe: Just calm down. Now, you don't know for sure he's yours, right?

Y/N: Yeah, I guess so. I just don't know what to do.

Joe: Yeah, I've been there. When it comes to being a parent you usually don't know what you're doing.

Y/N: Oh, great.

Joe: Look, Y/N, I can't imagine how hard this is on you, but you'll be fine. Kate will come around.

Y/N: It's more than that, Joe. I feel like I should've known that she was pregnant. I should've sensed it. Why didn't I?

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