Chapter 70: Facing Rhino

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(The next day)

Y/N's P.O.V

So, after a night of searching, I didn't find Felicia. I don't know whether that's good or bad.

I'm in the Spider Cave now seeing if I can use street cameras to get a line on her.

Y/N: Where are you Felicia?

Just then I see Harry come in.

Harry: Hey, man. You find your ex yet?

I sigh.

Y/N: Nope. She's... I don't know.

Harry: Where's Kate? I thought she'd be here.

Y/N: She's helping Natasha figure what's on that drive Felicia stole. The only thing we know about that drive is that there's more than one.

Harry: Oh, great. And those drives belong to the old Maggia Crime Families, right?

Y/N: Yep. So, they could have anything on 'em. We also need to learn more about this Bigman. And we know just as much about him as we do about that drive.

Harry: Don't worry, pal. We'll figure it out.

Y/N: Yeah, I know.

I look around.

Y/N: Where's Stiles and Ellie?

Harry: Ellie's out with her dad and Stiles is moving himself into my place, he said he wanted to do it himself.

Y/N: Fair enough. Thanks for letting him stay with you. I mean Kate and I offered to let him stay with us, but he... you know.

Harry: Yeah. I do. And it's fine. It'll be nice to have a roommate again.

As I start to think I get an idea.

Y/N: I think I know how to find out more about the Bigman. I have a friend at the Bugle who can tell me something.

Harry: Who?

Y/N: You remember Robbie, right?

Harry: Yeah.

Y/N: Well, he knows alot about what's going on in the streets. If anyone knows anything about this Bigman, it'll be him. I'll go see him.

Harry: Okay. I'll stay here and keep an eye out for you ex.

Y/N: Thanks, man.

After that I suit up and go to the Bugle.

(Fifteen minutes later)

Right now I'm climbing up the Daily Bugle building to get to the top floor and see Jameson.

I get into the supply closet and change out of my suit.

After that I open the door and see that the place is ruined.

I see Rhino is here and threatening Jameson.

Jonah spots me and gives me a signal to leave as it seems the Rhino is looking for me.

I nod and leave the room.

After that I suit back up and swing around to the window on the other side.

Rhino: Do you think I'm stupid?

I shoot a web at the rhino's head.

Y/N: Well, you are dressed stupid, Alexei.

This causes him to drop the desk he's holding, I swing in a save Jonah before he's crushed.

I then attach a web to him and stick him to the ceiling, I stand upside down on the ceiling.

Y/N: It's for your own safety pickle-puss.

I jump down and land infront of the Rhino.

Y/N: What do you want here, Alexei?

Rhino: You, just you. I'm here to kill you.

Y/N: Yeah, that sounds about right for you.

He then grabs a desk and throws it at me, but I jump up and over it.

I shoot out two webs to two different walls and launch myself at Alexei, but it doesn't work.

Before he can crush me I move out of the way and web up his hands, but he tears right through them.

Rhino: The webs are useless now, Spider.

I jump onto the wall.

Y/N: Man, who the hell broke Rhino out of jail?

Before I could finish my thought I get hit by Rhino and knocked into the office.

Y/N: Well, that hurt.

I stand up then backflip onto the wall behind me.

Y/N: If I can't stop this bruiser, then maybe two feet of concrete can.

Rhino runs at me and at the last second I frontflip over him and he goes through the wall and into the street below.

I turn and shoot out webs to catch him and slow him down, but the webs snap and he crashes into the ground.

(Five minutes later)

I take my fight with Rhino into the city.

As we fight I decide to take Rhino down into the sewers underneath the city.

As he attacks me I dodge he hits and he bursts pipes, which make it hotter for him.

He won't be able to keep going for much longer.

Rhino eventually passes out from the heat.

I go over and jump on his chest, I then put my hands in the air.

Y/N: Come one, come all! Before your very eyes! The world's largest dehydrated turtle!

I then kneel down and see that Alexei is in and out of it.

Rhino: I'm gonna crush you, Spider. Promised the Bigman I would. Crush you, crush you, crush you.

Y/N: Are we losing it a bit, Alexei?

Rhino: Only mama calls me Alexei. You're not my mama! Not my mama, not my mama.

I chuckle.

Y/N: Yes, I think we are.

Rhino starts sobbing.

Rhino: Mama! Do I have to go to school?

I realise that now might be best way to get information on the Bigman.

Y/N: So Alexei. Tell mama. Who's the Bigman?

Rhino: We don't ever use the B word. Call him Mr. Lincoln.

After finding out what I needed to know I come out of the sewers and see Eddie show up with other cops.

Eddie: Hey, Spidey. You okay?

Y/N: Yeah, I'll live. Rhino is passed out down there. You might a crane to get him out.

Eddie: Got it. Well, thanks for stopping him.

Y/N: Look, I'd like to help, but I need to talk to someone about something important.

Eddie: It's fine. You go. We'll take it from here.

I nod.

After that I go back to the Bugle to see if Robbie knows anything about this Mr. Lincoln.

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