Chapter 58: Telling The Truth

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Y/N's P.O.V

I'm now back at the Spider Cave with the other's and I'm still in shock.

How'd Stiles become the Winter Spider?

I look at my mask as I hold it in my hands.

Y/N: He saw my face and looked right at me. And he didn't even recognise me.

Ellie: I'm so sorry, Y/N.

Harry: So, let's go over this again just so we're all on the same page. Your old best friend, Stiles has become the Winter Spider and is working with the Red Room.

I sigh.

Y/N: That's right.

Harry: Did he have powers like yours?

Y/N: No, he didn't. He must of got from his powers from one of the enhanced spider's that the Red Room created.

Katie kneels down infront of me.

Kate: Y/N, I'm so sorry.

Y/N: It's okay.

I stand up.

Y/N: I think we have another problem though.

Harry: What do you mean?

Y/N: Like I said, he saw my face. So, he could use that to learn my name. Plus, he could remember me from before. Joe found me familiar...

Ellie: So, he could have that too.

Y/N: Yeah, so I need to warn some people, including Joe.

I grab my mask and go to leave.

Kate: Babe, you don't have to go right now. You can take a break.

Y/N: No, it's fine. I need to do this right now. Plus, I need to tell Joe.

Harry: You mean tell him who you are?

I sigh.

Y/N: Yeah. I trust him and he knew before the spell. It'll be okay. I'll be back soon.

I put my mask on and leave the Spider Cave. 

Third person perspective

In undisclosed Red Room location doctor's are patching up the Winter Spider after his most recent fight with Spider-Man.

During this time Stiles starts to have flashbacks to when HYDRA had captured him.

They killed his parents and took him away.

This causes Stiles to lash out and hit the doctor patching up his arm and the hit sends him across the room.

After this all the guards point their guns at him.

Once everything calms down the new Red Room leader, Viktor Petrov comes in to talk to the Winter Spider.

He was once Dreykov's second in command and wasn't at the Red Room base when it was destroyed.

Petrov: Winter Spider, mission report.

Stiles stays silent.

Petrov: Mission report. Now.

Stiles stays silent once again.

He's still trying to remember.

This angered Petrov, so he slapped Stiles in the face.

Stiles looks around, then looks at Petrov.

Stiles: I saw Spider-Man's face and I've seen him before. Who was he?

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