Chapter 29: The Beetle

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(Two days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

For the past two days I've been trying to find Kingpin.

I've been take down Tracksuits thugs, but they won't give me nothing. They're loyal, that's for sure.

Right now I'm chasing a Tracksuit thug. He runs down and alleyway, but I'm one step ahead of him.

I repel down on a web behind.

Y/N: Surprise.

He jumps and turns around.

Thug: Wait, bro. I don't know anything.

I use my webs to take him off his feet and he's now hanging upside-down.

I drop down from my web line.

Y/N: I find that hard to believe. Where's the Kingpin?

Thug: Bro, I don't know! I swear!

Y/N: You can start talking or I can beat your ass into the ground.

Thug: You won't do that, bro. You're the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, bro.

I lean in closer.

Y/N: Well, I'm not feeling to friendly right now.

Thug: I don't know anything!

I sigh.

Y/N: Ah, whatever.

I punch him in the face and this knocks him out.

Y/N: Boring conversation anyway. The cops will get you soon.

After that I walk out of the alleyway.

Just then my spider sense goes off.

I look up and see my big bad Beetle flying right at me.

I quickly jump up and stick to a building as he flies under me.

Y/N: Beetle. What the hell?

He tries to hit me with his sonic ray, but I web zip forward and kick him in the chest.

This causes him to fly off.

I land on the ground.

Y/N: Well, he's never done that before. Get back here, Beetle!

I web swing after him.

If I had to guess I'd say he's leading me somewhere.

A moment later he flies down an alleyway and I follow him.

When I get there I see a man has taken down Beetle.

He stands over Beetle with a spear pointed at Beetle.

Y/N: What the hell? Where'd you come from?

???: Mother Russia... By way of Mother Africa.

Y/N: Wow. Two mums and still so ill behaved.

He looks down at Beetle and goes to kill him.

Y/N: Whoa, hey!

I shoot out a web line to pull the spear out of his hand.

Y/N: I don't know how you do things in mother Russia, but we don't kill bad guys around here.

???: I am Kraven the Hunter. I am here to kill any prey I have in my sights.

Y/N: I don't care. You're not killing him.

He pulls out two knives.

Kraven: I have been watching you, Spider-Man. I believe you are the ultimate prey. You die at the hands of Kraven the Hunter.

He comes at me with his knives.

I jump over him to avoid the slashes. I also web Beetle down in the process.

After that I web zip at him and kick him out into the streets.

I jump at him and punch him.

As we fight I web zip up into the air, but Kraven grabs onto me.

I try to swing, but he's weighing me down.

Kraven: You will not shake Kraven the Hunter so easily.

Y/N: You sure about that? Can you do this?

I stick to the side of a building and this causes Kraven to fall.

He lands on a car.

I drop down and land on a streetlight.

Y/N: Ouch. That looks like it hurt.

He gets up.

Kraven: You are impressive, Spider-Man. You are truly worthy of being my prey. You are....

Y/N: Ah, shut up.

I web up his legs and drop down off the streetlight.

Kraven goes up and I web him up. He's now hanging upside-down from the streetlight.

Kraven: No! No, you can't have beaten Kraven! No! Sergei Kravinoff cannot be beaten!

Y/N: Well, I did. Bye-bye.

I web swing away and leave Kraven for the cops.

I land on a rooftop to take a breather.

Just then I hear someone clapping.

I turn to see Cat coming over to me.

Black Cat: Well done, Spider. That was very sexy.

I sigh.

Y/N: What you doing here, Cat?

Black Cat: I wanted to see you, Spider. I've heard you've been looking for Kingpin and you've been running into dead-ends.

Y/N: Yeah.

Black Cat: Well, so have I. That's why we should work together. Think about it. You and me going through the city, stopping Kingpin.

She puts her hands on my cheeks.

Black Cat: You can't deny how hot it'd be.

I remove her hands.

Y/N: Stop it, Cat. I work alone. We can't work together. Trust me, it's for your own good. Now, stay away from me.

After that I web swing away.

Third person perspective

Cat watches Y/N swings away and she sighs.

Black Cat: Why won't you let me help you, Spider?

She then leaves the rooftop.

Meanwhile, Kraven has just broken free and escapes the cops.

Kraven is now talking with his wife in an alleway near the tower Sergei fought Y/N in.

Kraven: Why did you help me?! It was my moment. I was going to kill the ultimate prey!

Sasha: No, my love. You wouldn't have beaten him. You cannot compete with his power.

The hunter sighs.

Kraven: I know, you are right. I need something that will give me an edge...

He then smirks.

Kraven: And I know someone who can help me.

The two get into their car and go to see Kraven's associate.

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