Chapter 24: Spider Vs. Goblin

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Third person perspective

As the structure continues to collapse, Maya falls off the structure.

She screams out as she falls.

Y/N 1 sees this and immediately dives off the side to catch her.

Before Y/N 1 can get to her, he gets attacked by Goblin and taken away on his glider.

Y/N 3 sees Maya and dives after her. He can't let his little brother lose Maya like he lost Lila.

He catches Maya and shoots out a web line to catch them.

Y/N 3 lands on the ground with Maya in his arms.

He looks at her.

Y/N 3: Are you okay?

She nods.

Maya: Yeah. I'm okay. Thank you. Are you okay?

He nods with tears in his eyes.

Y/N 3: Yeah.

Dr. Strange tries to contain the spell, but it breaks out and tears open up in the sky.

Y/N 2 and Octavius get the cured villains to safety and Strange's clock saves Stiles.

Goblin's glider comes back around with Y/N 1 still hanging on it.

Y/N 1 breaks it open and pulls out pumpkin bomb.

He jams it into the glider and the explosion causes the glider to go down.

The two land onto the Captain America shield.

Stiles lands down and finds Maya on the ground.

Y/N 1 gets to his knees.

Y/N 1: Maya! Stiles!

Maya: Y/N! Y/N!

He sees the two are safe.

Y/N 1: Are you okay?

Stiles: Yeah, we're okay.

He sighs.

Just then Goblin gets up and Y/N 1 sees this. He then gets into a spider-like pose.

Goblin takes off his goggles.

Green Goblin: Poor Y/N. Too weak to send me home to die.

Y/N: No. I just wanna kill you myself.

He smirks.

Green Goblin: Atta boy.

The two rush each other and Spidey fires webs at him.

As they fight Y/N 1 punches him down to the ground.

Y/N 1 then jumps into the air and comes back down, but punches the ground as Goblin rolls out of the way.

Goblin jumps up and activates his wrist blade.

He whistles at the sight of the blade.

The two continue to fight and Y/N lands some hits, but gets cut by the blade.

He lands a punch on Goblin causes the villain to stumble back.

Y/N 1 continues to beat on the Green Goblin.

He starts to remember what happened to his father. The father Goblin took from him.

Spidey jumps into the air and grabs Goblin, he then slams him into the ground.

He lifts Goblin up and beats the man within an inch of his life. Y/N 1 is out for blood.

Y/N 2 and 3 see the fight and recognise the rage they see. They've both been there.

Spider-Man Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now