Chapter 31: A New Suit

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Third person perspective

After his change, Kraven immediately goes out to search for Spider-Man.

He follows his new enhanced senses to follow Spider-Man's trail, but he's lost the trail. 

Kraven makes it to the Baxter Building and goes towards the skylight.

He find the piece of Spider-Man suit. Kraven sniffs it and gets a lock on his scent again.

Sergei smirks.

Kraven: I have you now, Spider-Man.

He jumps away and goes after Spider-Man.

Y/N's P.O.V

Right now I'm at the graveyard and sat infront of my parents graves.

I didn't even bother to take off my suit. I have pulled my mask up though.

I can't stop thinking about what Cat said to me.

Y/N: Mum, dad, I don't know what to do. I'm scared. I can't stop thinking about what Cat said. I mean she's right, I'm not exactly the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man these days and maybe that's because I won't let people in.

I sigh.

Y/N: It's just hard to do that now, given what happened with Stiles and Maya. I mean both her and Harry have tried to befriend me, but I've pushed them away. Maybe Cat's right. Maybe I've gotta let people help me again.

Just then my spider sense goes haywire.

I quickly pull down my mask and jump out of the way. I briefly see a figure land just where I was sitting.

The dust clears and I see Kraven is there.

Y/N: Really, Kraven, you're back?

Kraven: Yes. We have a score to settle, Spider-Man.

Y/N: I'm not in mood for this, Kraven. So, walk away before I change my mind about kicking your ass.

Kraven: You are the ultimate prey. I will not walk away. I will prove myself as the ultimate hunter.

Y/N: Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you.

Third person perspective  

Spidey web zips at Kravinoff and goes to kick him in the chest, but Kraven grabs Y/N's leg.

He immediately slams Y/N into the ground. He then throws him into a tree.

Y/N groans.

Y/N: What the hell?

Kraven: I'm much stronger now, Spider-Man.

Y/N: Yeah, I can tell.

He jumps into the air to avoid Kraven's sharp claws.

Y/N: Claws? What the hell happened to you?

Kraven: I've given myself an upgrade. I am now your equal.

The two continue to fight and Kraven's new abilities help him keep up with Spidey.

Y/N goes to punch Kraven, but Sergei catches his fist and he bends his hand back.

Y/N: Aaahhhh!!!

He grabs Y/N by the neck and slams Y/N into the ground.

Kraven pulls out a knife and stabs Y/N in the leg.

Y/N: Aaaahhhh!!

He pulls the knife out.

It was laced with a tranq dart liquid and Y/N feels it making it's way through his body.

Sergei stands over Y/N.

Kraven: You are a remarkable fighter, Spider-Man. You have proven to be a worthy prey. I will give you the burial you deserve.

He goes over to the grave marked Barry L/N.

Y/N sees this and tries to stop him.

Y/N: No! Don't... don't touch him. Don't...

Spidey blacks out just as Kraven reaches the grave.

(Thirty minutes later)

Y/N's P.O.V

I gasp as I come to. I see nothing but darkness. 

I try to move, but I can't. I'm stuck.

So, I reach out, but I feel a wooden surface.

My eyes widen.

He buried me in my father's grave.

Kraven defiled my father's grave.

I feel my anger burn me up from the inside out.

Y/N: That motherfucker.

I start punching the wooden surface.

He ruined my father's grave.

I punch and break through. Dirt then starts to pour in.

(A/N: Start playing at 00:25.)

I pull myself out and start digging through the dirt.

I'm still feeling the pain from the knife wound.

I break through the dirt and pull myself out of the grave. I feel the dirt fall down my body as I pull myself out of my father's grave.

After that I look down and that I'm wearing a new suit.

Y/N: What the heck? Where'd this suit come from?

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Y/N: What the heck? Where'd this suit come from?

This must be a nano-tech suit and I can feel my body healing.

It doesn't matter. I need to find Kraven now.

He defiled my father's grave and I'm gonna kill him, or he's gonna wish he was by the time I'm done.

But I'm gonna need help and I know just who to go to.

It's time for me to start letting people help.

(A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, guys.)

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