Chapter 62: Spider-Man Vs. Winter Spider

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Third person perspective

Spider-Man runs into the room and finds the bomb. It's on timer.

He also finds a maskless Winter Spider guarding it.

Y/N pulls off his mask.

Y/N: Stiles, step aside. If that bomb blows it'll level this warehouse and us along with it.

He stands there silent.

L/N sighs.

Y/N: Please don't make me do this, man.

The Winter Spider programming is still in full effect.

Winter Spider: This is where you die, Spider-Man.

Y/N: I guess you're not gonna give me a choice.

L/N puts his mask back on and rushes at his old friend.

The two start to fight as Y/N tries to get past him to disarm the bomb.

Y/N tries to hit him with a Venom Blast punch, but Spider catches it.

Winter Spider: That won't work.

He bends Y/N's hand back, then headbutts him.

Y/N stumbles back.

Spider pulls out a key card.

Winter Spider: You can't disarm the bomb without this.

Y/N: Thanks for letting me know.

The two continue to fight.

Winter Spider grabs Y/N slams him into the wall.

Just then the warehouse starts to shake and crumble.

Y/N: What the...?

Winter Spider: Oh, you didn't know. There's more than one bomb. That's the main bomb.

Y/N: Stiles, stop. Let me stop it. This isn't you.

Winter Spider: You don't know me!

As they fight Y/N grabs Spider and slams him onto the floor.

Y/N grabs his arm and bends it back, so he'll drop the key card.

Y/N: Drop it! Drop it now!

Winter Spider screams in pain and drops the key card.

After that Winter Spider gets up and tries to slash Y/N with his stingers.

Y/N dodges the slashes and manages to get Spider in a headlock.

Winter Spider tries to fight back, but eventually he passes out.

L/N grabs the key card and makes his way over to the bomb.

Just then Kate contacts Y/N.

Kate: Y/N, there's more than one bomb. Have you disarmed the main one?

Y/N: I'm work on it, Katie.

Before Y/N can get it to he gets a blade in the shoulder.

Y/N: Ahhh!

L/N looks back to see Winter Spider is back up.

Just then part of the ceiling falls down and lands on Spider.

Y/N: Crap. Stiles.

Spidey pulls the blade out of his shoulder before getting back up.

He gets to the bomb and puts the key card in.

The timer shuts off, but it then turns back on.

Y/N: What the fuck? Shit. It must be a fail safe.

The warehouse continues to come down all around him.

Spider-Man Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now