Chapter 17: Spider-Man Vs. Doctor Strange

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Third person perspective

Y/N rushes out of the Sanctum and tries to web swing away with the box in hand, but he ends up swinging through a two different portals and is back where he started.

He looks back to see Strange with his arms crossed.

Stephen: Give me the box, L/N.

Y/N: No.

Spidey tries to hit Strange with the slingshot web shooter, but it disappears.

After that Y/N tries to swing away again only to be caught by his own web line due to Strange using portals again.

Strange then uses magic to pull Y/N towards him. Strange hits Y/N's chest and separates his spirit from his body.

 Strange hits Y/N's chest and separates his spirit from his body

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(A/N: Just imagine it's Y/N.)

Y/N looks at himself and is in shock.

Y/N: Oh my god! Am I dead?!

Stephen: You're not dead, you've just be separated from your physical form.

Y/N: Whoa. This is weird.

Strange tries to take the box back, but due to Y/N's spider sense his physical form stops Strange from taking it.

Stephen: How are you doing that?

Y/N: I have no idea.

Stephen: You should not be bale to do that.

Y/N This feels amazing.

Y/N then move towards his body and his spirit goes back into his body.

Spidey falls to the ground, but quickly bounces back up.

Y/N: That might be one of the coolest that's ever happened to me, but don't do it again.

He web swings away and Stephen sends his clock after L/N.

As he swings down the street the clock grabs onto Y/N's shoulders stopping him.

Y/N: Hey! Get off me!

It throws Y/N and Strange uses this as an opportunity to open up the Mirror Dimension.

Y/N smashes through the barrier between the dimensions and finds himself falling through a messed up version of New York.

He manages to swing away as avoid building as Strange is using magic to change everything.

Y/N then gets his by Stephen's magic and before he can recover he's hit by a train and drops the box.

He sticks the train and manages to grab the box back with his web line before Strange can grab it.

Spider-Man lands on the train in a spider-like pose.

Y/N: What is this place?

Stephen: The Mirror Dimension, where I'm in control.

Stephen uses magic to change the dimension even more.

Spider-Man Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now