Chapter 45: Finding Clint

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Y/N's P.O.V

I managed to track Clint's phone again. Kate and I find him at a car lot.

We get to a rooftop nearby and see him with Maya and see him wearing the Ronin suit.

Maya tries to kill Clint with his sword, but Kate fires an arrow to knock the sword out of her hands.

She looks up and see the two of us on the rooftop.

This gives Clint the chance to get away. Maya then leaves.

Y/N: Nice job. Come on, let's find Clint.

Kate: Yep.

We get down from the rooftop and see Clint jogging down an alleyway.

Kate and I go over to him.

Kate: I bet you're wondering how we found you.

Clint: Y/N tracked my phone again, didn't you?

Y/N: Yep. You make it too easy to track your phone.

Clint: So this rescue mission, you got an escape plan, right?

As we come out of the alleyway we see a car pull up and the driver rolls the window down.

Driver: Hey, are you Tabitha?

Kate: Yes.

Driver: Alright. Hop in.

Kate gets in the car and Clint seems confused.

Y/N: Hey, you wanted an escape plan. This is it.

He and I then get in the car and the driver drives us away.

Driver: Wow. I can't believe I've got Spider-Man sitting in my car right now. I'm Trent. I'm big fan.

I shake his hand.

Y/N: Nice to meet you.

(Three hours later)

Right now we're back at Grills' place so Clint could patch up his arm. And so we could eat too.

Grills is now showing us a trick he taught Pizza Dog.

Grills: Dance.

The dog dances around on his back legs to get some food.

Y/N: Whoa.

Grills: Good job, buddy.

Kate: Wait, I wanna try.

Kate tries to get him to do it, but he won't.

Kate: Damn. You made it look so easy and cool.

She looks at Clint.

Kate: Yeah, Grills is cool. You can cook, you can LARP, you can put out fires.

Y/N: He's very impressive.

Grills: Ah, stop it.

Kates phone then goes off.

She looks at her phone with wide eyes.

Clint: What is it?

Y/N: Kate?

She shows us her phone.

Kate: Look at this. Who's that with my mum?

We look at the phone and see a picture of Eleanor with the Kingpin.

Clint sighs.

Clint: Oh shit.

Y/N: That's the guy Clint and I have been worried about this whole time. Kingpin.

After that we watch the video that the unknown number took of Eleanor and Kingpin.

She broke Scorpion out of jail and he's been working for the Kingpin. She framed Jack and killed his uncle.

Kate just looks at her phone after the video finishes.

Y/N: Who sent this?

Kate: I don't know. My mum broke Scorpion out of jail.

Clint: Oh, wow.

Kate: This doesn't make any sense. My mum doesn't even jaywalk. And now she's working with the mob? She killed Armand? My god, I need to talk to her.

Kate stands as do Clint and I.

Clint: Kate, wait. You gotta calm down, okay? Let's talk this out.

Y/N: He's right, Kate. Just calm down. Just take a breath, okay? But your mum needs our help. That video, Kate... it's not good.

Clint: He's right. Kingpin will not take this lightly. He's gonna react.

Y/N: Yeah, and knowing him it'll be in a big way.

Kate: Clint, this is my mess to clean up. You should go, be with your family.

Y/N: Kate's right. We'll handle this.

Kate: You can still make it back in time for Christmas...

Y/N: No. You two are my partners. Your guy's mess is my mess. I'm not going anywhere until this is finished.

After that we decide to head back to my place.

(One hour later)

The three of us are now on the subway.

Kate is sat next to me with her head on my shoulder.

I look at her.

Y/N: You're gonna be okay, you know that right?

She nods.

Kate: Well, I have you. So yeah, I do.

I smile and kiss her forehead.

Clint looks at us.

Clint: Kate, I'm really sorry about how this turned out for you.

She lifts her head of my shoulder.

Kate: Well... can't think about all that right now. We need to focus on tonight's mission right now.

He nods.

Clint: You're right. We're gonna need a ton of gear. Like a whole batch of way-too-dangerous trick arrows.

Katie smiles.

Kate: Wait, you can make more?

Clint: With yours and Y/N's help I can get them made alot quicker.

I smirk.

Y/N: He's right. Let's get back to my place and get this shit started.

A minute later we get off the train and get back to my place.

It's time to get ready for tonight.

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