Chapter 1: Spider-Man: Mysterio, The Man of Mystery Prologue

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Hey there, so we're gonna do this one last time. At least I hope it's the last time.

My name is Y/N William Bartholomew L/N, I was bitten by a radioactive spider and for alomst six years I've been the one and only Spider-Man. Things have been crazy.

I saves the city from people like the Vulture and Kingpin. I fell in love with my girlfriend Maya. I saves the city alot of times actually. I also did this.

(A/N: Just imagine it's Y/N

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(A/N: Just imagine it's Y/N.)

We don't really talk about this. What can I say? It was a dare.

Anyway, I didn't do it all alone though, I have my guy in the chair a.k.a Stiles, my best friend. And I had help from the cops like Joe West and I had help from his daughter, Iris.

So I became an Avenger and helped them save the world multiple times, helped them fight Thanos both in space and on Earth.

We brought half the universe back to life, well my mentor Tony Stark did that and he died in the process. He's not the only person I've lost. I lost my mum, my godfather, Oliver Queen a.k.a the Green Arrow.

Though I did get a new mum. My dad married Natasha Romanoff a.k.a Black Widow. She's a great mum and I love her.

These days the world is still recovering from the Blip and readjusting. Rhe GRC is working to help the world recover.

I still think about Tony and uncle Ollie, I feel like it was my fault they died. Pepper and aunt Laurel keep telling me not to blame myself, but I can't seem to stop. Right now I'm not doing much as Spider-Man as I just need a break to be honest. Plus, there's not much crime going on surprisingly.

I'm just getting ready for my last year of NYU. Since coming to college Maya and I have been living together and she hasn't gotten sick of me. It's crazy.

Well, that's all. You're caught up, at least on the big stuff.

Bye, everyone.

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