Chapter 35: Hawkeye Prologue

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Hey everyone, it's Y/N L/N and I'm back again just to catch you all up on things.

It's been nine months since I fought and defeated Kraven the Hunter with the help of Harry and Felicia. Now, that I have Harry it makes being Y/N alot easier as I have more of a reason to be Y/N L/N than before.

I told both Harry and Felicia about what happened with the Dr. Strange spell and why I was alone for so long. After telling them they understood why I was so distant. Speaking of Felicia, she and I split up.

We broke up back in August and she left New York to explore the world as she put it. It was a mutual split for the most part. It kinda sucked, but it's okay.

I still have Harry though. He and I are really close now. We're roommates too. I moved into his condo back in July as my apartment complex was going into foreclosure. He has a spare room that wasn't being used, so it works. It's also closer to the Daily Bugle, so I can get to work easier.

And when I'm not at work I'm swinging around the city as Spider-Man. I'm still looking into the Tracksuit Mafia and trying to find Kingpin, but I've got nothing. I just keep running into dead-ends. Fisk is good at staying under the radar, I'll give him that, but I owe it to uncle Ollie to put him back behind bars.

Other than that, I've just being fighting normal crime and putting memebers of my rogue's gallery back behind bars after they break out.

Well, that's all to be honest. You guys are caught up to speed. At least for now anyway.

Goodbye, everyone.

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