Chapter Thirty-Six

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*Cassie's POV*
I know I told them to go have fun and not worry about being back by one certain time, but I miss them. It's already 12 and they aren't home... maybe something happened to them? Now, I know you must think I'm just jealous and insecure, but I have good reason to be worried.

They aren't the types to go out and stay out forever when I'm not with them. Of course, I don't mind if they do, I'm just surprised. Oh, and trust me, I've been trying to fall asleep... but you remember what I told Val, no? I literally can't fall asleep if I'm not in the safety of their arms. I've been twisting and turning all night long. Well, since 10, but still, two hours of absolutely zero sleep.

I look at my phone and sigh.

I'm doing it. I'm going to call them. But which one should I call? Valentin seemed like he really wanted to hang with them, so I assume Volkov's the same. Twins after all. Miky always seems like the safe option.

I pull up Miky's contact but hesitate.

I fell like I should call Volkov this time.

I switch to Vee's contact and call him. He picks up on the first ring, "Baby doll? What's wrong? Are you okay? Why are you still awake?"
I sigh, smiling, "Adult doll? Nothing's wrong, I'm fine. Are you guys having fun?"
"Valentin and Mikhail are which I'm surprised about," He chuckles.
"Are you?"
"Yeah, I'm having a blast."

I bite my lip, "Good. You guys needed something to help you relax."
"Hey now. We're relaxed with you."
"Yeah yeah."
"So why are you up?"
"I just wasn't tired but I was planning on going to sleep now..."
"Is that all? You just wanted to say goodnight?"
"You're lying."

"Your voices gets lower whenever you try to lie. What do you need babydoll?"
"Can you come home? I've been trying to sleep for the past two hours but I can't... I just really need one of you... if and only if one of you is up for the sacrifice. Seriously, you don't have. I'll wake Jay up or Magnus maybe and just watch movies all night. Or maybe Nick and he'll rub my feet again and then I'll fall asleep."

"I'm on my way home, little villain. Let me just tell the guys and I'll be there before you know it."
"Are you sure? I don't want to cut your evening short..."
"Are you kidding me? I've been with them since 7, I'm more than happy to go home."
"But you said you were having a blast."
"But that blast isn't nearly as important as you. I'll see you soon, baby," He hangs up and I blush.
About 10 minutes later he calls again.
"Hello?" I ask, still wide awake.

"Hey baby. I have a surprise for you when I get home," He sounds so excited.
I giggle, "Okay!!"
"I'll see you when I get home baby. Five minutes," He hangs up again and I laugh.
Five minutes later, Volkov walks in... and then Val and Miky. I grin and throw my arms around Vee's neck. I kiss him and then Val pulls me away. I giggle and kiss him, he tastes heavily like alcohol. I pull away and look at him. His eyes are glazed over and I giggle.

"I'll help you get them to bed," Volkov chuckles.
"I'mmmmm not dddddrunk," Miky slurs.
"Me eitherrrrr babyyyyy," Valentin keeps his arms around my waist.
I roll my eyes, "Bedtime."
I peel his arms off of me and lead him up to his room. Vee helps Miky. Valentin collapses on the bed, trapping me under him.
"Val!" I call, "Valentin!"

I look up at him and see he's already asleep. I sigh and wiggle my way out from under him. I take his shoes off and cover him with an extra blanket. I kiss his forehead and walk into Miky's room to see Vee struggling with him.
"Fuck dude, just go to bed," Vee groans.
"Not until I see my printsessaaaaa," Miky smirks, and then he sees me, "Babyyyyyyy."
I walk over and lay him down on the bed.
"Stay with me?" He looks up at me.

"Not tonight, baby, I'm staying with Vee tonight," I push his hair back as he nods. I kiss his forehead and take his shoes off as well. I grab a blanket but he refuses. I smile and leave with Volkov. He gets changed and then lays down with me.
I lay my head on his chest, "Why didn't you get drunk?"
"Designated driver," He rubs my back and thigh, pulling my leg over his waist.
"Did you want to get drunk?"

"It probably would have been a lot more interesting, but I'm fine."
"Get together with them tomorrow, all of you can get drunk. You could do it here!! I could meet your friends and make the kitchen look all pretty with alcohol and food!"
Volkov chuckles, "You wanna do that?"
"Yeah! How many are there? They could spend the night too! That way, no one has to worry about having a designated driver."

"Alright, I'll talk to the guys tomorrow. Get some sleep baby."
I nod and fall asleep quickly. In the morning, I walk down to the kitchen where my guys are talking.
"Cass wants to have our friends over tonight so we can all get drunk. She also suggested they spend the night," Volkov is telling them as I walk in.

"I'm in," Val smiles, kissing my temple.
"If it's what my printsessa wants," Miky smirks, picking me up and putting me on the counter.
"I have to go shopping. And one of you needs to come with me," I say as I ruffle Miky's hair.
"Whyyyyyy? I have a hangover," Miky whines, resting his head on my chest.
"It doesn't have to be you, babe."
"I'll go, what are we doing?" Volkov comes over, pushing Miky off and hogging me.

"I want to get snacks and I need you to get the alcohol. You guys don't have any good stuff."
"And how would you know?" Val raises his eyebrow and pulls me into him, away from Val.
"I've peaked a few times. But I wanna go now so I have time to get it all ready."
"Alright alright," Vee smiles and goes up to his room. I follow him so we can get dressed.

A car pulls into the driveway and I squeal, pulling away from the window, "Someone's here!!"
"Damn baby, you don't get this excited for us," Volkov says sitting on the couch.
"I know you. I don't know your friends!"
There's a knock on the door and I jump, startled. The guys laugh as I roll my eyes. I go over and compose myself and then open it.

"Madison?" I look at her, slightly confused.
"Cass! Heyyyyy," She says a little nervous.
"Anyways, come in."
I move out of her way as her and her date, Cole, walk in. More people start to flow in.
"How'd you know Maddy?" Miky asks as he comes up behind me.
"Danny's ex. She treated me awfully," I shrug.
"I'll kick her out."
"It's fine."

I pat his chest and walk into the kitchen, getting some food.
"Spin the bottle?" I hear a girl, Mary, say in the living room.
I walk out and sit on the touch, between Miky and Cole since the twins are standing. I lean into Miky as he wraps his arm around me.
"Oh, are you hanging out with us, Cass?" Madison asks nicely.

"She is," Valentin answers for me.
"Awesome!" Maddy gets up and walks into the kitchen, I follow her.
She turns around and jumps, "Sorry, you startled me haha!"
"Oh, I'm sorry!"

"I'm so glad you followed me though, I wanted to apologize for everything I said and did to you in the past. I genuinely mean it. I think I was jealous that Daniel wouldn't pay me as much attention as he did for you. It was so rude of me though, you are the kindest person ever. You're gorgeous and caring and so funny. I do hope you can forgive me, but you don't need to," She blushes lightly, but I can tell she's genuine.
"I forgive you, Maddy. I'm glad we could over come that. Friends?"

"Friends! And one more thing, you're so lucky to have the three that you do. Yesterday and today is kinda like a high school reunion so I know them from there, but I'm so happy for you. Maybe they aren't always the nicest to other people, but the way they all look at you is literally so cute."
I blush, "Anywhoooo let's go back out."
She laughs, "Okay."

We walk out and I go back to my spot next to Miky. We all agree to play spin the bottle. Maddy starts and it lands on Miky. She walks over and very quickly kisses his cheek. Mikhail spins and it lands on Mary.

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