Chapter Sixty-Nine

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*Mikhail's POV*
I pull Cassie into the living room, "How do you think this pregnancy is going to end?"
"A miscarriage..." She whispers, looking at her feet.
I kiss the top of her head, "Be strong. Maybe it won't."

She nods, "Okay... Can you teach me to read your mind yet? You said you would forever ago but never actually did."
I chuckle, "Okay, we'll focus on that later."
We walk back into the kitchen, "Now, who's ready to party!" Anton laughs.
"Are you sure you don't want Cass coming along? If she comes, you could even let your three little stupid guard friends come," Nikolai smirks as the three walk in.

"We heard that, asshole," Jace glares at him.
"Oh noooo, did you?"
Cassie giggles but quickly covers her mouth when the guards' heads snap to her, "I mean, that was rude Nikolai."
Nikolai's smirk only grows, "Back to the original reason of my statement. Is the only princess in our family joining or no?"
I think about it for a second, talking to Maxim.

I say she comes. We personally can keep an eye on her at all times, Maxim says.

Yeah, I know... but I want to attempt to get drunk and I don't want her to see me like that, I defend.

Then leave her here with the three and risk someone taking her again.

It's a risk bringing her too! Maybe I'll bring her and the guards and not let them drink.

Then why bring her along at all?

Fuck. I just want to lock her in a windowless cell, with me, and throw away the key.

Well we can't, so suck it up and take her along.

I sigh, "Okay, you can come, if you want to."
I look down at her and she has the biggest frown I've ever seen from her. I'm about to question it but she shakes her head.
"I'll stay here," She says walking over to the fridge.
"Aw c'mon! I wanted to go out!" Jason whines jokingly.

She slams the fridge shut and whips around to face us all, "Then fucking go out! I don't need a fucking babysitter!"
She brushes past Kirill and Iso, walking out of the kitchen. Dad looks at me.
"I'll go talk to her," I tell the room.
"No, I'll go. I'm sure she'd rather a father figure than her boyfriend," Dad pats my shoulder.
He leaves the room.

*Lev's POV*
I knock on Mikhail's wing door. It opens and Cassie stands there.
"Hey malen'kiy, what's wrong?" I ask gently.
She sighs, "I know the line of work you guys do... and I get Miky's nervous about leaving me alone again but if I am going to stay here and the guards want to go, then they can."
"Do you want to stay?"
She walks into the kitchen and I sit at the island.
"Not really..." She looks down, "Today's Miky's birthday and I can't even get that right. I shouldn't have snapped. Miky wants me to be safe but he also wants to have fun with his brothers and dad on his birthday. It doesn't matter what I want today, and I mean that. I want to know what he wants, and whatever it is, I'm going to do it."

She's truly dedicated to my son. I know her past and the relationship she had with those Gusev twins, but I also know that her attraction to my son was far greater than that. Teenagers all make mistakes. I don't blame her, considering Mikhail slept with other girls as well.

I can't help but smile, "You are so good for my son."
She blushes, "Thank you... I'm sure you heard about my past, but I've never felt anything like I feel for Mikhail. He is my world and I wouldn't be able to live without him."
"I know you are true in your word. You show it everyday. Shall we go back out?"
She nods and we head out.

*Mikhail's POV*
Dad and Cass walk back in and she's smiling. She comes over to me and takes my hand, leading me out. We sit on the couch and she straddles me.
"Be completely honest with me, Mikhail, do you want me to come today or stay here?" She asks, still smiling.

"I think I want you to stay here... I think it'll be safer because the guards will be sober but if you come with me, I might not be sober enough to protect you..." I close my eyes and sigh, resting my head on the back of the couch.
She runs her hand through my hair, "Then I'll stay here, and I'll listen to the guards at all times."

I slowly open my eyes and look at her, "What?"
"I want you to enjoy your birthday without worrying about me. So, I'll be on my best behavior, I promise."
I lay her on the couch and kiss her, "You're so perfect."
She giggles, "Far from it, but I'll take the compliment."
I move down to her neck and she lets out a soft moan before pushing me away.

"Not here..." She blushes.
"Okay, baby. I'm going to go get ready," I grin.
"Okay! Have fun!"
I kiss her one more time before getting up and going to our room. I get changed and then come back down to see Cass reading on the couch. Jason and Magnus are playing video games and Jace is on his phone. I walk into the kitchen and my brothers and dad are there.
"Ready?" I ask them all.
They all agree and I say bye to Cass before we head out.

*Cassie's POV*
I'm actually really content. I'm just reading, listening to the guys laughing and having a good time. I must have gotten super sucked into my book because the next thing I know, Mikhail is kissing me.
I look up and smile, "Hi baby."
"Hey printsessa. How was your day?" He chuckles, sitting next to me.

He sits on my right side, leaning against the armrest and the back of the couch. He puts his left arm on the top of the back, around me. He sits with his legs open and his right arm is on the arm rest. I snuggle into him, my legs bent on the couch, I'm resting on my right hip. I toss my book onto the coffee table and snuggle into him.
"You wanna go take the test?" He whispers into my ear.
"In a few minutes... this is nice," I yawn, snuggling into him deeper.

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