Chapter Thirty-Three

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*Mikhail's POV*
"Why did you get on your knees and beg for my forgiveness?" My printsessa finally speaks up.
The twins and I have a business deal with two other mafia's in 30 minutes. I'm currently getting ready and Cass is laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Just a few hours ago, I was on my knees for her. Which, I would happily do again. She's just been laying in here, but I'm glad she finally spoke up.

"Why wouldn't I baby?" I peak my head out of my bathroom at her.
"Because your dad was right there."
I walk over to her and kiss her forehead, "I truly regret listening to him. I especially hate how I hurt you."
She looks up at me with her big grey eyes and I nearly melt on spot. I lean down and keep my hands on either side of her while she's sitting up still.

"Fuck, baby, don't look at me like that."
"Why not?" Her gaze is relentless.
"You make me want to melt."
She blushes fiercely, "No one's ever told me that..."

"The twins think they need to be tough all the time. When I'm with you? I want nothing more than to be a soft little boy with you. I want you to wrap me in your embrace and play with my hair until I fall asleep. Then when I wake up, I want to play with your hair and realize just how much I love you."

Oh fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. I didn't mean to say that. I hope she doesn't feel pressured to say it back. I hope this doesn't end everything between us. Fucking idiot.

I kiss her quickly before walking back into the bathroom. She comes in and hugs me from behind, resting her forehead on my back. I slowly turn around in her arms and wrap mine around her. I rest my hands on her back, holding her flush against me.

She looks up at me, "I love you too, Miky."
I blush. I actually blush.
"Stop hogging my girlfriend," Volkov walks in, grumbling. He stops when he sees us. He smirks, "Awww someone's blushing."
"Fuck you," I flip him off, kissing Cassie.
I pull away and smile softly at her. She follows us out, holding our hands. She says goodbye to us and we head out to Val's truck.

"What were you two talking about?" Volkov speaks up.
"Why I got on my knees for her," I say smugly, "And how much I want to be like a little boy in her presence. Something you two could never. I may have told her I love her."

"Don't fucking act like that. We've know her longer. We've loved her longer," Valentin glares at me, looking at me in the rear view mirror.
"And yet, I've treated her better. I have a right to fucking act like this. I have been nothing but kind, caring, and patient towards her. Have you ever admitted that you just want to be a child in her presence? That you just want to be taken care of and spoiled by her? No, you fucking haven't."
"That doesn't mean we don't love her," Volkov growls.

"You're right, it doesn't. It just means I care more."
"That's not true," Valentin says.
"You give her the sides of yourselves that you give everyone. You don't treat her any better than you treat Jason and Magnus."
"We treat them good. We treat them like friends."
I shake my head, "You treat her just like them. Is she a girlfriend or is she a friend?"

They go quiet after that. We get to the restaurant for lunch. We're sitting when Sebastian finally walks in. He sits down and we all remain quiet for a moment.
"I have a proposal," Sebastian speaks up after we order drinks.
"What is it?" Valentin leans back in his chair.
"James and I are planning on merging our groups."
"What? Why?"

"Because we want a war. Though, I have one condition that can stop it."
"What is it?"
"I want that girl you both kidnapped."
"We didn't kidnap her, she had a choice," Volkov defends.
"No, she didn't."
"You can't have her."
"I don't want to keep her, I want her to have my heir."

"Not a chance," I finally speak up.
"Well then, today's useless, no? I'll see you boys on the battlefield."
He's about to leave.
"We can work something out," Valentin says quickly.
Sebastian smirks, "Like?"
"Like we'll find a worthy girl for your heir within the week."

"No. I don't want anyone but that girl. You have one week to make a decision," Sebastian finishes his beer and leaves.
"I guess we're going to war," I sigh, running a hand through my hair. They both remain silent, "Are you guys seriously fucking thinking about giving him Cassandra?"
"What? Fuck no," Valentin growls.
"We have to figure out what we're going to do," Volkov groans.

"We have to tell Cass."
"What? Are you out of your mind?"
"It kind of involves her, she deserves to know."
"And put her in more fucking danger? I'll pass."
"Grow up Vee. She's an adult who deserves to know."
"She's not getting fucking involved," Volkov throws some cash on the table and gets up.
"He's a fucking idiot. What do you think we should do?" Val looks at me.

"Tell her. She deserves to know, especially if it's about her," I respond calmly.
He nods and gets up, throwing some more cash on the table, "Don't worry about the check. Let's go find my idiot twin."
We walk out of the restaurant and see Volkov sitting on the curb next to Val's truck. Val sits on one side and I sit on the other side.
"We can't tell her... we already fucking suck, she's going to hate us," I can see tears glistening in his eyes.

"C'mon, let's get you home," I rub his back.
I stand up and help him up. Val gets up as well. Vee sits in the back with Val and in the front.
"When we get home, go find Cass right away," I tell Volkov.
"And let her see me like this?" He questions.
"She's seen you like this before," Val retorts.
Volkov sighs and stares out the window. We pull into the driveway.
"Find Cass, show her this side of you. She wants to see it," I tell Volkov before he gets out.

*Cassie's POV*
Volkov walks into the library where I'm lounging on the couch, reading a book. He takes the book and gently tosses it on the floor. He lays on top of me and buries, his face into my stomach. A few moments later my shirt becomes damp. I soothingly play with his hair.
"Shhh, it's okay baby. I'm right here. Nothing can get to you here," I murmur softly, "Let it out, baby."

He cries for a little while longer before calming down, "Sebastian, one of our rivals, only wants one thing... it's the only thing to avoid a war," He sits up and straightens his legs, putting them under mine on either side of me. He lays my legs over his and my feet reach just past his hips.
"What's the thing?" I ask quietly.

"You... well, he doesn't want to keep you but he wants you to have his heir..."
"But it's not going to happen, Vee, so why are you crying?" I ask cupping his face, concern written all over my face.
"Because I told Mikhail and Val I didn't want to tell you about it... I didn't want you to get hurt and dragged into a dangerous situation. I really didn't want you to hate us, me."

I lean forward and kiss him. His hands go around me and land on my ass. He pulls me towards him so my pussy is against his dick. I moan but pull away.
I wipe his tears away, "Are you okay now?"
He nods, "I love you, Cassandra."
"I love YOU, Volkov."

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